Visva-Bharati Digital Library

Inter Library Loan (ILL) Service


The Inter-Library Loan Service at Visva-Bharati envisages borrowal of books and collection of research articles from other libraries. Four different sources are available currently, free as well as payable. One needs to search each of the databases/sources as given below to determine availability of materials he/she is looking for. The Central Library will arrange for the borrowal or purchase on behalf of you. This has turned up to be quite a sought-out service at Visva-Bharati. (NB: You may seek ILL services, ONLY after making abundantly clear that the VB Library neither the book(s) not the article(s) you require).



DELNET ( Developing Library Network (DELNET), consisting of 4000 members, provides photocopy of journal articles (through Document Delivery Services) and loaning of books (on Inter Library Loan, ILL) It’s an effective service but payable.

On locating the material/document you look for, send the details to the Central Library for their requisition (Dr. Koushik Ghosh: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 9474042139).

The charges: ILL for books: At the cost of both way courier charges. Photocopy of articles: At the cost of Rs. 2/- per pages + courier charges).

Click here to download the requisite form 


JCCC ( J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium (JCCC) – Quite effective and free as well. It acts as a one point access to 7900+ journals (excluding open access ones running to thousands) subscribed currently under UGC INFONET Digital Library Consortium as well as by university libraries designated as Inter Library Loan (ILL) Centres. INFLIBNET has identified 22 potential universities as ILL Centres in the country to fulfill ILL requests from the users affiliated to universities covered under UGC- INFONET Digital Library Consortium.(VB is a member of the Consortium).

On locating your requisite article by search, click on the down arrow situated in right side of each article thereby you will find the option for download the full text article. If the article is not available online, but one of the ILL designated libraries is subscribing to that journal, user will be directed to send ILL request to nearest ILL Centre.


American Library

American Library: Interested students, research scholars and Faculty members may collect the Borrowers Cards from the Librarian, V.B. at Central Library to utilize the American Library at Kolkata. Books / materials available on the database of American Library can be borrowed on ILL too. One can search the catalogue database from the given URL of American Library ( and request the Librarian, V.B. for ILL (Performa can be downloaded from the website of Visva-Bharati Library Network at American Library will bear postal charges for dispatching borrowed items to institutional members, and returning of the same is made by requester themselves.  

Click here to download the requisite form 




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