Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) / Guidelines at VBLN
SOP Print Journals
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Procurement of Print Journals Meeting of the Library Working Committee (formerly, Library Development Advisory Committee), INFLIBNET Center (Gitanjali Net), Central Library, 14 December 2019 at 3.00pm Steps for Journal procurement: a) Soon after receiving Grant Allocation for procurement of Journals, hardcopy of renewal notification has been circulated to all the HOD along with uploading of notice in the Library website. b) After issuing proper notice, Departmental Purchase Committee (DPC) meeting has been organized (to finalize the procedure regarding the Journal procurement and tuning the list of Journals sent by the HOD with the available fund. If any HOD asked to drop one journal and include another one in that place, the request may be accommodated considering the price margin. But, inclusion one new print journal, is depend upon the availability of the fund and accessibility through ESS or any other consortium. c) Tender is to be invited for supply of journals (Indian & Foreign) as per recommendation of the DPC. For wide publicity the tender is to be uploaded in the VB website, Library website, newspaper (The Statesman) and individual posting to intending/known (those have participated in the tender process in earlier occasion) vendors. d) After receiving tenders, DPC meeting to open the tender and note the proceedings accordingly. Then the proceedings along with the following enclosure will be sent to the appropriate authority for necessary approval. e) The conversion rate for foreign currency will be dealt with current RBI rate on the date of the placing supply/work order. f) After receiving necessary approval work/supply order will be issued with a request to provide triplicate bills/invoices including bank details. g) Bills will be sent to the Accounts Office for releasing payment against necessary Bank Guarantee / Security Deposit as Cheque/DD. h) To complete the procurement process, invitation of tender may be avoided for every year. Considering the satisfactory services existing vendor may be requested to supply the journal(s) for another one/two year / years with same discount rates. But total amount will be calculated on the basis of titles for the New Year and price of the individual journals. i) It is needless to note, if the existing supplier is unwilling to supply with the same discount rate, then fresh tender will be called to proceed. Encls: i. Allocation of money as recommended by the Fund Allocation Committee including necessary Office order from Development Section. ii. Renewal notification for Journal Requisition as sent to the HODs along with receive copy iii. All notices for DPC meeting iv. All Proceedings of the DPC meeting v. Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) along with Terms & Conditions and Lists of Journals vi. Copy of advertisement for NIT in The Statesman, URLs of VB Website and Library website. vii. Copy of SOP for procurement of Journals as approved by the competent authority. Terms and conditions of the Notice Inviting Tenders (as annexure – I) will be revised in passage of time: Annexure - I Terms & Conditions of Supply of Journals A. The first sealed cover should be super scribed “Technical Bid” and should contain i. Agency profile including previous experience of work in the field of “Supply of Journal”. ii. Satisfactory certificate from the clients on supply of journal in recent date iii. Acceptance of terms and conditions as mentioned in the tender. iv. Copy of the trade license, IT clearance, VAT, PAN, GSTN, last two years audited Accounts, etc. v. All other required documents. B. The second sealed envelope super scribed “Financial Bid” should contain only rates which are to be quoted as per the given proforma (annexure II) at the end. C. The third envelop contains the above two envelopes (A & B) and super scribed by “Expression of Interest for Supply of Journals.” for Visva-Bharati Library Network.
SOP E-resources Procurement
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for E-resources Procurement
Meeting of the Library Working Committee (formerly, Library Development Advisory Committee), at the INFLIBNET Center (Gitanjali Net), Central Library, 14 December 2019 at 3.00pm.
a) At first fund allocation committee/competent authority has to allot/approve grant to procure e-resources i.e. e-books and e-journals, databases, and others.
b) Thereafter, E-demonstration program with the e-resources of reputed e-publishers/ e-aggregators have to be arranged followed by proper notification for the academic fraternity through individual mail, WhatsApp, Library Webpage, hardcopy as far as practicable to attend the demonstration program and thereby interact with the publishers.
c) Opinion/recommendations from the faculty members, scholars, library professionals, and members of the e-resources selection committee have to be collected soon after the demonstration program on spot.
d) All the publishers/aggregators those have been participated in the demonstration program will be requested to offer full-text trial for at least one month. By their policy if any one is not able to offer trial access, they may offer trial access for limited /bibliographic text only.
e) Again, notification will be issued to all HOD, Faculty Members and Scholars for browsing the text through trial access.
f) Then report will be collected from the concerned publishers/aggregators to supply the status of hit/download.
g) Then HOD will be requested to send one list of titles on pick and choose from the title list as offered by the publishers/aggregators on his/her subject.
h) Based on the recommendation during demonstration program, status of Hit/Download list will be prepared by the library and will be sent to concern publishers/aggregators for pricing.
i) On receiving the price from the vendor, meeting of the E-resources selection committee will be arranged. After receiving the price proposal, the same may be negotiated for the interest of the university and also to cover maximum title/subject.
j) For preparation of final recommendation, the meeting of the e-resource selection committee will be arranged. During finalization of the title list perpetual access i.e. ownership model (for e-books and archives) will be preferred and will try to cover most appropriate titles of almost all the departments as far as practicable
k) If situation requires, more than one meeting of the e-resources selection committee meeting is to be arranged.
l) Then the final recommendation of the e-resource selection committee along with the followings as enclosure as far as practicable will be sent to the competent authority for necessary approval;
i. Forwarding letter for approval
ii. Statement of vendor and subject wise price
iii. Letter of fund allocation from the Development Office, VB
iv. Notification of meeting of the fund allocation committee
v. Proceedings of fund allocation committee meeting
vi. Notification of E-demo program
vii. Notification of trial access (full text) of e-Resources for VB fraternity
viii. Notification(s) of e-Resource selection committee meeting
ix. Proceeding (s) of the e-Resource selection committee meeting dated 24 August 2019
x. Price (after negotiations) Proposals as received from the vendors
m) After obtaining necessary approval, Activation Order (Supply/Work Order) may be issued to concerned publisher(s) /supplier(s) for uplink the titles through our IP for access. Also, they will be requested to submit necessary Invoice/Bills in triplicate to release the payment.
n) After checking the accessibility (sample), Bills will be sent to Accounts for Payment.
o) To avoid payment in foreign currency, publishers will be requested to take payment through Indian vendor.
p) In case of foreign currency conversion, RBI current exchange rate on the date of placing supply order or seeking date of price proposal will be considered as advised by the external audit. Even for subscription of foreign Journal (both electronic and print) and procurement of print books, RBI exchange rate is to be followed.
q) The issue like GST and others will be dealt with the time of applicability.
SOP Print Books
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Print Book procurement and Utilization of Concern Grant
Meeting of the Library Working Committee (formerly, Library Development Advisory Committee), Venue - INFLIBNET Center (Gitanjali Net), Central Library, 09 and 16 April 2021, 12.00pm and updated on the basis of the meeting dated 03 February 2023 and subsequent approval of the competent authority dated 11 April 2023.
The basic objective of formulating the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for procurement of Print Books is to maintain uniformity as well as streamlining the procurement procedure of books for Visva-Bharati Library Network (VBLN) as well as mapping the proper utilization of the fund under ‘Books & Journals’. VBLN has its SOP for procurement of Print Journals and E-resources, but no SOP for procurement of Print Books. The draft SOP has been designed in compliance of the verbal observation of the External Audit Team. The basic proposal has been designed by four Officers of VBLN (Dr T. K. Das, Dr Sabahat Nausheen, Dr Sanat Bhattacharya and Sri Ramprasad Majumdar) as decided in a meeting with all In-charge of VBLN, dated 08 December 2020. Accordingly, the four members committee had meet twice to draft the SOP and the same has been submitted and discussed in a meeting with all In-charge, dated 06 February 2021 where the same has been accepted with some addition and alternation. Now, as decided in the meeting of all In-charge of VBLN, the draft SOP has been placed before this committee to consider and recommend with fine tuning, if any.
1. After receiving the Book Grant from the Development Section, Visva-Bharati, the “Sub-Committee for the Systematic Allocation of Library Book Grant” allocates the fund among all the departments/ Bhavanas/ Sadanas/ Centres of Visva-Bharati.
2. Mode of Allocation or Plan of Utilization of the Books and Journal Grant:
i. Out of the grant, an amount is proposed to be allocated for a) Print Books and subscription of print journals, being tangible asset b) Purchase and subscription of E-resources (e-Books, e-Journals, e-Archives, Online Databases, Institutional Membership, Software, Cloud storage & services, etc.) including software being Intangible Asset for the VBLN.
ii. Amount 10% of the Books and Journals Grant is to be allocated utilized (as per UGC standing instruction and practice of Visva-Bharati) for providing stacking facilities including furniture and equipment for print books i.e. and for e-books/e-resources, Software & Hardware (Desktop, Laptop, UPS, Printer, Projector and other ICT related accessories for Central and twelve Sectional Libraries for providing modern library services.
UGC standing instruction is quoted below:
“5.19 Central Library 5.19.1 Under this item it is envisaged that each University should have a wed stacked and comprehensive, automated-digitized Central Library. As such, efforts may be made by the University to not only enrich the Central Library, but also to make it fully computerized. The amount up to 10% of the grant allocated under this item is for providing stacking facilities including furniture, equipment, computerization and automation of the Library.” (Attached herewith, Page 10 of 67)
Ref.: Guidelines for general development assistance to Central, State Universities and institutions deemed to be universities during XII plan.
iii. Break-up of allotted book grant under the probable main headings:
Ø Departments
Ø School
Ø Central Administration
Ø Upacharya
Ø Centres
Ø P. M. Hospital
Ø In-Charge, Sectional Libraries
Ø Requisition from Students/ Scholar
Ø Central Library Reference Section
Ø E-resources/ Databases, if any
3. Then, the recommendation of the “Sub-Committee for the Systematic Allocation of Library Book Grant” is to be placed before the competent authority with the following documents and seeking approval for procurement of books.
i. Forwarding letter for approval
ii. Statement of departments/ Bhavanas/ Sadanas/ Centres wise fund allocation, proceedings and recommendations of the “Sub-committee for the Systematic Allocation of Library Book Grant”
iii. Letter of fund allocation received from the Development Section, Visva-Bharati
iv. Notification of meeting of the Sub-committee for fund allocation
v. Copy of last approval for the same issue for easy/quick processing
vi. Other related paper, if any.
4. After receiving the necessary approval from the competent authority of Visva-Bharati, necessary notification will be issued by the University Librarian/Prof-In will be circulated among all the Principal, Directors, HOD, In-charge of the Library to expedite the Book procurement process. With the notice the allocation table along with the last date of Submission of Book list to the In-charge of the concerned Bhavana Library or directly to the university librarian where there is no Bhavana Library.
5. Discount rate: All the enlisted Book publishers and suppliers have to offer minimum 20% discount rate (i.e. Visva-Bhaarti Library will accept 20% or more as discount) on printed price for the interest of the Visva-Bharati. However, there will be no discount for Publications by Government and any Institutes.
6. Book procurement process: Book procurement process includes different steps as mentioned below:
i. Book Selection
ii. Ordering
iii. Book receiving with Bill and other relevant documents
iv. Physical verification of books
v. Checking of bill and other relevant documents
vi. Accessioning of book in the Accession Register of the library and proper stamping in the book
vii. Noting of Accession number in the respective bill
viii. Signature by the dealing/ technical staff member as “Checked & Verified” by him/her.
ix. ‘Checked & Verified’ by the In-Charge of the said Section/ In-Charge of the Sectional Library
x. Finally, submission of bill to the University Librarian through the proper channel.
xi. Submission of utilization of the grant
i. Book Selection
v Book Fair: Visva-Bharati Library Network organizes the book fair, if time permits before the utilization of the grant. The merits of the book fair are that the stakeholders i.e. faculty members, research scholars, students, etc. can select the books by physical observation of the content of books. They have the opportunities to have a look of the different current books of the renowned Indian and Foreign renowned publishers. Therefore, with this VBLN may utilize the grant by purchasing more qualitative and effective books. However, Faculty members may recommend books, if these are essential and not available at the stall of the book fair. Therefore, selection of books from the book fair is to preferred. Further, the external Audit Team has appreciated the endeavor and they advised to organize the fair in a suitable time without waiting for grant received. Soon after receiving the grant, process of procurement may be initiated to get more time for procurement of the books.
v If book fair is not possible, then notification will be issued to all HODs, Faculty Members for recommending the list of books based in compliance of the grant allocated and in order of preference and send the list to the concerned HOD, who is supposed to send the departmental list to the respective Bhavana Library (where it is available) or Central Library as the case may be. A Book Requisition Proforma is attached herewith (Annexure – I). After getting the list library will place order in the order of preference of the list.
v Scholars and Students may submit their requisitions to the Head of the Department to include the same in the recommendation list. Also, Scholars and Students have the provision to submit the book requisition directly to the In-charge of the Bhavana Library or University Librarian through proper channel i.e. Through HOD for UG/PG students and through HOD or Research Supervisor for M.Phil and PH.D scholars to ensure quality and needful library collections. A Book Requisition Proforma is attached herewith (Annexure – II).
v For books on generic, Text book on Library and Information Science & Tools for book processing, Career related books, Reference books, University Librarian and In-charge of concern Bhavana Library / Sectional Library is authorized to select and procure.
v As advised by the External Audit Team, Faculty Members are not supposed to recommend name(s) of any book supplier in their list of book requisition/selection.
ii. Ordering
v Based on the recommendations, copy of order is to be prepared by the concerned library or Acquisition Section of Central Library, as the case may be.
v According to the allotted fund and the list of priority, In-Charge of the concerned Bhavana Library/ Section of Central Library may issue the order in the prescribed format (Annexure – III).
v Book Supply Order is to be given only to the enlisted Suppliers of the Visva-Bharati Library only and order will be distributed among the enlisted vendors with an intention to cover the vendor as much as possible based on their service and supply performance. It is preferred to avoid placing order to any particular supplier or any non-listed vendor.
v Book Supply Order may also be given to the non-enlisted Vendor, if
Ø Participated in the Book Fair organized by Visva-Bharati Library Network
Ø Willing to follow the Terms & Conditions as imposed on the enlisted Vendors
Ø Order may be given for only selected books from stall during the Book Fair
v Preparation of panel of enlisted Vendors by the Visva-Bharati Library Network:
Ø Visva-Bharati Library seeking application from the willing Vendors (Book Sellers as well as Book Publishers) along with the Terms and Conditions of Book supply (Annexure – IV) at VBLN. University Librarian may impose any terms and conditions based on grounds reality and for the interest of VBLN which may not include in the present T&C and enlisted vendors are bind to adhere.
Ø Then the Library selects and prepares the list of enlisted vendors on the basis of the acceptance of Terms & Conditions as laid down by VBLN.
Ø Period of Enlistment of Book Supply will be for four years and process of renewal will be done every after four year with modified Terms and Conditions.
iii. Book receiving with Bill(s) and other relevant documents
v Ordered book should not be received, if
ü the last date of bill submission is over.
ü the supplier overruled the Terms & Conditions mentioned in the order form.
ü there is any lack of documents to be supplemented with the bill.
iv. Physical verification of books
v The book will not be processed if the book is in poor condition (appearance, damage in transit); and flick through to check whether a gathering is missing, pages are missing, or pages are blank or printed upside down or second hand.
v To be confirmed whether ordered book has been supplied by the Vendor.
v If any dispute found, then the concern vendor is liable to change the book.
v If any manipulation found on the printed price of the book, then the concern vendor is liable to change the book.
v. Checking of bill(s) and other relevant documents
v Only printed price must be considered in the bill, if the printed price is available on the book.
v The sticker price, hand written price (except printed price) will not be considered in the bill
v In case of foreign title, Indian title or Indian edition of foreign title where the price is not available in printed form, signed invoice price proof is mandatory along with Publisher's Online Price Proof from Publisher’s website (not publisher's printed catalogue).
v Invoice Price Proof provider should be a Members of FPBAI (Signed membership certificate to be attached)
v Foreign currency should be converted as per RBI / SBI Conversion rate on the date of order of title issued to the Vendor (i.e. Order date of Visva-Bharati Library)
v Discount Rate, Sub-total and grand total of the bill are to be checked before submission.
Relevant documents are to be provided by the Vendor:
a) Original Bill – 1 copy (Format attached herewith)
b) Copy of Original Bill – 2 copies
c) Foreign currency conversion rate Certificate – 1 copy (To be attested by the Vendor). As advised by External Audit, Library will accept only RBI (SBI) conversion rate.
d) Book Supply Order issued to vendor – 1 copy
e) Invoice Price Proof, if printed price is not available on the book– 1 copy (To be Attested by the Vendor)
f) Publisher's Online Price Proof from Publisher’s website (not publisher's printed catalogue) for each title, if printed price is not available on the book (To be Attested by Vendor)
g) FPBAI (Federation of Publishers' and Booksellers' Associations in India) Membership Certificate of “Invoice Price Proof Provider” – 1 copy (To be Self-attested by the Member)
h) Bank details if not printed on the bill – 1 copy (To be Self-attested)
vi. Accessioning of book in the Accession Register of the library and proper stamping in the book
v Accessioning and proper stamping of the book may be performed only on being satisfied after verification of the book, bill and other relevant documents supplied by the Vendor.
v The Accession Number must be noted at least on the title page of the book and also on the secrete page of the book as selected by the library.
vii. Noting of Accession number in the respective bill
v Accession Number of each volume/ title is to be noted on the respective bill.
viii. Signature by the dealing/ technical staff member of the Acquisition Section of the Central Library and Staff/In-charge of the concerned Bhavana Library, in case of Bhavana Library.
v The dealing/ technical staff member or In-charge of the concern Bhavana Library who processed the acquisition with the order and supply, billing amount, etc. will sign on the bills and other documents.
v Then he/she send the same to In-charge of the Section/library for necessary ‘checking and verification’ the book, bill and other relevant documents and finally to sign as ‘checked and verified’.
ix. ‘Checked & Verified’ by the In-Charge of the said Section/ In-Charge of the Sectional Library
v All documents including bill should also be checked and verified by the staff/ In-Charge of the Acquisition Section, Central Library/ In-Charge of the Sectional Library.
v The In-Charge of the Acquisition Section, Central Library/ In-Charge of the Sectional Library should sign only after satisfaction with the all documents.
x. Submission of bill(s) with relevant documents to the University Librarian by the In-charge, Bhavana Library or In-charge, Acquisition Section, Central Library
v In-charge of all Sectional / Bhavana Library will submit the bill to the University Librarian, Visva-Bharati within the date-line as noted in the concern notification.
v The Original Bill (One copy) along with Book Supply Order issued to Vendor (One copy) should be forwarded by the University Librarian after duly signed by him to the Accounts Officer, Visva-Bharati for making payment.
v Forwarding letter addressing to the Accounts Officer, Visva-Bharati is to be enclosed on the top of the bills; one for Books ordered, purchased and Accessioned at Bhavana Library (Annexure – V) and another for Books ordered, purchased and Accessioned at Bhavana Library (Annexure – VI)
Relevant documents are to be submitted to the University Librarian by the Acquisition Section / Sectional Library:
a) Original Bill: The Original Bill is to be submitted to the University Librarian and it is to be forwarded to the Accounts Officer by the University Librarian after duly signed by him/her for making payment.
b) One copy of Original Bill- A copy of the Original Bill is to be submitted with the Original Bill for the documentation at Central Library.
c) Two copies ‘Book Supply Order’- one copy of ‘Book Supply Order’ for the documentation at Central Library and another copy is to be forwarded to the Accounts Officer by the University Librarian with the Original Bill.
d) One forwarding letter addressing to the University Librarian, Visva-Bharati (Annexure – V)
xi. Submission of utilization of the grant
v Finally, a Utilization Certificate of supplier wise as well as departments/ Bhavanas/ Sadanas/ Centres wise allotted grant should be submitted before the University Librarian, Visva-Bharati by the In-Charge of the Acquisition Section, Central Library/ In-Charge of the Sectional Library through proper channel (Annexure - VII)
v The University Librarian should submit a Utilization Certificate of total fund to the competent authority of Visva-Bharati (Annexure – VIII)
7. a) Purchase print books through Online: External Audit Team verbally advise to procure books on online (from Amazon, Flipkart, etc. etc.). As pilot study, some books may be procured from online book store, if Accounts Office helps to make either advance payment or COD. Here, library has doubt on authenticity of the book(s) received through online mode.
b) For experiment, during a bulk purchase a list of titles to be procured will be sent to the enlisted publisher/book seller through mail to seek the highest rate of discount (more than or equal 20%)
c) For sectional libraries, the existing practices may be continued uniformly, i.e. Both the In-charge / Library Professional and Principal / HOD of the concerned Bhavana/ Departments as the case may be will sign in the order copy while purchasing book(s).
d) In case of multiple foreign currencies printed on a book, Visva-Bharati Library will take/accept the lowest price in Indian currency after conversion.
Forwarding Letter
(Visva-Bharati Library Network)
The University Librarian
Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan
Dear Sir,
The following book(s) may kindly be procured for our department as recommended by the members of the faculty by utilizing the fund allotted on Visva-Bharati Library Committee meeting, vide Memo No. …………………………….
General Information:
1.Name of the Department:------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.Name of the HOD:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.Contact Number of HOD:-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4. E-mail of HOD:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You are requested to purchase the books list in the enclosed format and
1) Make them available in the Stack/Reading Room of Central Library for the use of the users
2) Send for our Bhavana Libraries having serial no………………….
Signature of the HOD
(With seal and Date)
Note: The practice of attaching vendor challan as indent for books is not permissible in the light of External Audit.
(Visva-Bharati Library Network)
Table of proposed Books Requisition:
Sl. No |
Author |
Title |
Publisher |
Year |
No. of Copies |
Price |
Name of the faculty: Signature:
Name of the Bhavana: Date:
Name of the Department:
Central Library
Book requisition Form for Scholars / Students
Session -
The University Librarian
Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan
A. General Information
Name of the Candidate:_________________________________________________________________
Course (Please put tick mark on right one): UG / PG / M.Phil. / Ph.D.; Semester......../ Ph. D. Course Work
Bhavana:_________________________________ Subject:________________________
Visva-Bharati Library Card No._______________ Contact No._____________________
B. Information about the Book
Sl. No. |
Title (Name of the Book) |
Author(s)/Editors |
Publisher |
Year of Publication* |
Price* |
Where to be kept** |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
* Please provide, if known. ** Choice any one option: Reading Room / Reference / Stack Room
(Signature of the Candidate with date)
C. Comments of the Head of the Department / Research Supervisor
The above-mentioned title(s) will be helpful for course curriculum of the Department or research purpose of the Scholar.
Signature of Head of the Dept. Signature of Supervisor
(with Date and Seal) (with Date and Seal)
(In case of Scholars only)
SANTINIKETAN- 731235 WEST BENGAL, INDIA Telephone: (03463) 262-751 (6 lines) Fax: 91-03463 262-672/261-156/161-409 E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website: htp:// |
Dear vendor,
You are requested to supply the following list of books / list of books as enclosed with our T&C and as you have accepted during enlistment;
Sl.No. |
Author (s) |
Title, Year of Pub, Edition |
Publisher |
Unit Price |
Copy (ies) |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
Major Terms and Conditions:
· This order cancels all previous orders for these titles.
· Titles should be supplied within three months, in case of late supply please report and obtain our confirmation.
· Condition of paper, form, binding, etc. must be checked up and supply fresh copies only.
· Supply latest edition of titles along with a challan copy.
· Please send two copies of the bill by quoting our order number.
· Foreign titles are to be separated from Indian titles in case of billing.
· Include price proof documents along with the bill (It is mandatory for foreign titles and also for Indian titles/ Indian editions of foreign titles where price is not in printed form, Price proof should contain signature and seal of the supplier).
· Mention conversion rate for each foreign currency and charge it as per RBI Terms &Condition(i.e procurement date)
· Less 20% discount as per Terms & Conditions
· Bill should be certified as instructed in GOC Terms & Conditions by quoting your PAN and GST No.
· Please include a copy of invoice in parcel.
· Please quote our order number on the label of the parcel and in your invoice, else parcels are liable to be refused.
Note: Please quote our ORDER NUMBER on the label of the parcel and in your invoice otherwise parcels are liable to be refused.
Recommended by:- Date of Recommendation:-
Challan No. & Date (in case of Book fair):- No. of titles:-
Prepared by ……………………………………… Checked by ………………………………
University Librarian / In-charge of the Bhavana Library
Central Library
(Visva-Bharati Library Network)
Memo No. Date:
Dear Supplier/Publisher,
We keep on record our appreciations for your co-operation during the last few years. We expect the same spirit for co-operation in future. For our mutual convenience and more effective handling of problems, if any raised at all, we request you to kindly note the following instructions and hope that you will find out TERMS & CONDITIONS for supplying books quite agreeable.
1. These instructions are to be followed for the financial years’ 2021-2025.
2. Books will be received against the order of the University Librarian in case of Central Library and In-charge of Sectional / Bhavana Library for Bhavana Library only.
3. Titles should be supplied within two months. In case of late supply, please report and obtain our confirmation. Titles may also to be supplied as the date specified by the Library.
4. Condition of paper, form, binding etc. must be checked up and supply fresh copies only.
5. Foreign titles to be separated from Indian titles in case of billing.
6. It is mandatory to produce price proof documents (Publisher’s/Importer’s/Distributors’ invoice and publisher’s catalogue) along with bills for foreign titles. Price proof is also required for Indian edition of foreign titles and Indian publications where price is not available in printed form. Price proof should contain signature and seal of the supplier.
7. Mention conversion rate for each foreign currency and charge it as per RBI (SBI) conversion rate on the date of order issued to the Vendor (i.e., Order date of Visva-Bharati Library) by Central or Sectional Libraries of VBLN.
8. of books procured by the vendor(s), where necessary evidence for date of purchase of book(s) need to be submitted with the bill for transparency and clear understanding.
9. Discount rate: Book publishers and suppliers have to offer 20% discount on printed price of the book(s) for the interest of the Visva-Bharati. However, there will be no discount for Publications by Government and any Institutes as per the Goods Offices Committee (GOC).
10. Bill should be certified as instructed in GOC by quoting the PAN and GSTN.
11. One copy of invoice should be included in parcel and quote our ORDER NO. on the label of the parcel and invoice no. Otherwise parcels are liable to be refused.
12. No delivery charge will be provided by the library for supply of any book(s).
13. If any document is found to be unsatisfactory, payment will be made after deleting that particular item on the invoice/bill or payment of the entire bill will be withheld by the library till the deficiency is rectified. For this reason, supplier/publisher are advised to make contact with the Central Library Acquisition Section or with the In-charge of the concern Bhavana Library.
14. Supply latest edition of titles along with a challan copy and three copies of the bill by quoting our order. Please do not forget to note the bank details (Name of the account holder, Name of the Bank and Branch, Account Number, Type of the Account, IFSC of the Branch,) along with the PAN, GSTN, etc.
15. Regular communication (through mail / cell phone) with the appropriate section is highly required and expected for smooth dealings which are pre-requisite from both sides.
16. Enlisted supplier(s)/publisher(s) are expected to maintain close contact with the library throughout the year and will take active role to supply any single book ordered by the library. Frequent physical visit will also ensure to place order on any sudden requirements and it is expected that vendors will pay enough attention to find out the book(s) from the state and national book market. It is not welcome to visit library for bulk-order.
17. It is expected that, enlisted vendors will participate in the Book Fair as and when organized by the library.
18. In case of supply books against “Confirm Order’ supplier(s)/publisher(s) are requested to strictly follow the guidelines and others conditions as stated in the order copy. In case submitting “inspection challans’ to the Departments / Library and ‘Bills’ to the Central Library and Sectional Libraries of Visva-Bharati, please use the following formats: -
Format for ‘Bills’ to be submitted to Central Library and Sectional Library, V.B. |
Sl |
Title |
Author |
Publisher |
No of Volumes |
No of Copies |
Original Price |
Conv Rate |
INR Price |
Discount |
Net Price |
*The Conversion Rate should be as per RBI (SBI) and may vary in case of challan date and order date. Finally, the Conversion Rate should be calculated on the date of Book(s) procured by the vendor. Vendors are accountable to submit necessary evidence of procurement.
19. Suppliers(s)/ Publisher(s) are requested to submit the documents relating to the firm e.g. of the trade license, PAN No., GSTN, Income Tax Return (last three years), list of institutions where supplying books, and other documents in support of vendorship, which will enable to enlist the name of the concern supplier/publisher name in the Visva-Bharati Library Network. Give contact person name, communication address, mobile no and e-mail id.
Hope, you will agree/accept the above terms & conditions regarding supply of books at Visva-Bharati Library. Book purchase procedure will be processed further on receiving your confirmation along with the signed copy of the Terms and Conditions as noted
After receiving response from the vendor side, library authority will scrutinize the application along with the documents submitted. On satisfaction, the name of the concern supplier/publisher will be accepted with a confirmation mail and uploaded in our library website under the caption ‘Enlisted Book Supplier’.
Last date of submission of application for enlistment (proposed)- 30/06/2021
For any doubt and query don’t forget to contact with Sri Ramprasad Majumdar (9434250016, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) before submission of application for enlistment.
Thanking you
(Dr N. C. Saha)
University Librarian (Acting), Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan
(Visva-Bharati Library Network)
Memo No. Date: -
The Accounts Officer
Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan
Please find herewith the original bills of the suppliers for books accessioned at Bhavana Libraries after ordering, purchasing and accessioning.
The amount will be paid out of the budget head allocating Rs.……………………. for the year ……………….. for procuring of Books and Journals vide Memo No. …………………………………………dated …………………..
Sl. No. |
Name of the Bhavana Library |
Memo No. & Date |
Amount (Rs.) |
Total Amount Rs. |
1. |
Hindi Bhavana |
Total |
2. |
Siksha-Bhavana |
Total |
3. |
Palli SikshaBhavana |
Total |
4. |
Palli SamgathanaVibhaga |
Total |
5. |
Sangit Bhavana |
Total |
6. |
Siksha-Satra |
Total |
Grand Total Amount
Total Amount in Words (Rs:- ………………………………………………………………) Only.
This may please be noted that the last date of utilization of this grant is …………………………
You are requested to release the respective payment at the earliest after necessary checking.
University Librarian (Acting)
Visva-Bharati, Santiniketa
(Visva-Bharati Library Network)
Memo No. Date: -
The Accounts Officer
Visva-Bharati,, Santiniketan
Please find herewith the original bills of the suppliers for books accessioned at Central Library after ordering, purchasing and accessioning.
The amount will be paid out of the budget head allocating Rs.……………………. for the year ……………….. for procuring of Books and Journals vide Memo No. …………………………………………dated …………………..
You are requested to release respective payment at the earliest.
Sl. No |
Name of the suppliers |
Memo No. & Date |
Amount (Rs.) |
Total Rs. |
1. |
Padmabati Book stall |
Total |
2. |
Omega Books & Systems |
Total |
3. |
Sriniketan Books and Suppliers |
Total |
Grand Total Amount |
Total Amount in Words (Rs:- ……………………………………………………………) Only.
This may please be noted that the last date of utilization of this grant is …………………………
You are requested to release the respective payment at the earliest after necessary checking.
University Librarian (Acting)
Visva-Bharati, Santiniketa
(Visva-Bharati Library Network)
University Librarian,
Central Library, Visva-Bharati
Sub: Utilization of Books purchased
As noticed (vide Memo No. ……………………………….……., date…………….. to submit the utilization of the Capital Asset Grant for Books and Journals for the year …………………….. Vide Memo. No. ……………………….………………………, dated 01.12.2020 for the ………………………… Bhavana Library:
Sl. No. |
Department |
Budget |
Subject wise Utilization |
No. of Books |
Over/Under Spent |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
An amount of Rs. ……………. (………………………………………) only has been Over Spent or Under Spent.
Name and Signature with date & seal In-Charge, ………………………….. Library |
(Visva-Bharati Library Network)
Memo No. CL Date
Joint Registrar (Accounts)
Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan
Sub: Summary of Utilization of Grant for Capital Assets during the year ……………….. particularly to show the ‘Advance Payment’ and ‘Payment on Purchase/Procurement/Access’
Dear Sir,
In response to discussion among Assistant Registrar (Accounts) and External Audit Team, Library has been verbally requested by the Assistant Registrar (Accounts), I am to submit the summary of utilization of grant for Capital Assets during the year …………………. particularly to state the ‘Advance Payment’ and ‘Payment on Purchase/Procurement/Access’. Hope this may help to note properly as desired by the External Audit Team. For the year 2020-21, Library has been allocated grants Vide Memo no. ………………………….. on dated ………………, as noted below;
i) Allocation for “Books and Journals” of fund of Rs. ……………. lakh
ii) Allocation for “Other Infrastructures” of fund of Rs. ..…….….. lakh
iii) Allocation for “Small Equipment etc.” of fund of Rs. ………….. lakh
Let us now replicate the item wise (based on distribution of the above funds by Departmental Purchase Committee, CL & Systematic Fund Allocation Committee and subsequent approval from the competent authority as below;
Head / Item wise Break-up of the utilization;
1. Journals (Including renewal of print journals; Institutional membership renewal; Online database; E-journals; Remote Access; Discovery Services; Including Print Journals of PSB etc)- ………….. lakhs
2. Print Books- …………. lakhs
3. Procurement of E-resources including database- ……….. lakhs
4. Equipment and furniture & fixture – …………….
SL No |
Category |
Subscription Agents/ Vendors |
Bill no with date |
Amount (Rs) |
Whether Advance Payment or Payment Against Purchase /Access |
Print Journals subscriptions |
Advance payment |
b |
Institutional membership & print journals Subscription |
Advance payment |
c |
Institutional Membership |
d |
Online Databases Subscription (E-resources – Intangible Asset) |
Payment on Activation |
e |
E- Journals Subscription (E-resources – Intangible Asset) |
Payment on Activation |
Total (Journal etc): |
2 |
Print Books |
Total (Print book) |
3 |
E-Resource (Intangible Asset) |
Payment on Activation |
Total (E-Resource) |
4 |
Equipment; Furniture & Fixture |
Grand Total |
Submitted for necessary consideration.
(Dr Nimai Chand Saha)
University Librarian (Acting), Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan
SOP Stock Verification
Guidelines / SOP for the Physical Stock Verification ( Print Books of the Library)
[Accepted by the authority on 11 April 2023. Meeting of the Library Working Committee (formerly, Library Development Advisory Committee and Library Committee) on 03 February 2023, 11.30am. Meeting of all In-charge of the Visva-Bharati Library Network (VBLN), on 23 January 2023, 12.30pm].
Stock verification or physical stock verification of Library Print Collections (Print books, Print Journals, Theses, etc.) is to be done every financial year to find out the missing, damaged, lost and cost realized books. This process continues throughout the year, and the final report is to be submitted to the Librarian at the end of each financial year. During the stock verification process, all services (including circulation) must be undisturbed. For that, the work of stock verification may be conducted during any academic recess/vacation when physical footfalls are expected to be the least.
The quantity of annual physical stock (books) verification will be done in compliance with the Rule 215(i) of GFR-2017, page-59 (noted below) and as per the Audit observation (reference # 17 OBS-483587dated 01/11/2022) by the Thematic Audit. However, quality of the physical verification work without hampering the library services as well as number of staff in the library is also to be considered in this regard.
Rule 215(i) of GFR-2017:
i. Stipulates that the complete physical verification of book should be done every year in case of libraries having not more than 20000 volumes;
ii. Stipulates that for libraries having more than 20000 volumes and up to 50000 volumes, complete verification of books should be done at least once in three years;
iii. Stipulates sample physical verification t intervals of not more than three years should be done in case of libraries having more than 50000 volumes. In case such verification reveals unusual or unreasonable shortage, complete verification shall be done.
Rule 215(ii) of GFR-2017, stipulates that loss of five volumes per one thousand volumes of books issued/consulted in a year may be taken as reasonable provided such losses are not attributable to dishonesty or negligence. However, a loss of a value exceeding Rs. 1000/- and rare books irrespective of value shall invariably be investigated and appropriate action taken.
Step/Procedure of the Physical Stock verification:
· The feature of ‘Stock Verification’ of the existing ILMS (Integrated Library Management Software) may be used to the extent possible to accelerate the process of physical verification work. Using LibSys may help to complete the work with regards to time frame, staff and large number of books in a given year.
· In case of part or percentage of collection to be verified- A particular area of the subject is to be selected for stock verification and same area will be again taken into consideration after the completion of one cycle for entire collections.
· List of existing books under the specified range (e.g. 800-899.999) is to be prepared from the LibSys. Then, the list is to be arranged by Call No. and contains at least Accession No., Title, Author and Call No. The concerned library may decide the part of the collection to be verified as they think suitable.
· During the process, damaged books are to be kept in a separate place.
· After completion of physical verification of books, the following lists are prepared
i. Misplaced
ii. Damaged
iii. Lost and cost realized
iv. Missing
Missing of particular book is to be declared in the 4th year of the verification of the misplaced books of a particular year; e.g. if the stock verification year is 2021-22, the misplaced books for the year 2018-19 (first year misplaced year 2018-19, 2nd year 2019-2020, 3rd year 2020-21 and 4th year 2021-22) will be considered as missing after searching the same for four consecutive years as mentioned. However, sectional libraries may declare at the 3rd year of the physical verification, as most of the Sectional Library may complete the cycle in two/three years as they have collections from 15000 to 60000 books, unlike Central Library which has more than 4,50,000 books and also having big physical area.
Example: Listed misplaced books of the previous three years may be searched again. e.g. if the stock verification is continuing for year 2021-22, the listed misplaced books of the year 2018-19 (Misplaced say 65), 2019-20 (misplaced say 45 and for 2018-19 say 40) and 2020-21 (misplaced say 52, and for 2019-20 say 29, and for 2018-19 say 22) and 2021-22 (misplaced say 46 and for 2020-21 say 31, and for 2019-20 say 18, and for 2018-19 say 07) and in the year 2021-22, missing books will be 07 (which was misplaced and searched last four years including this year). So no. of missing books is finalized in the fourth year after searching consecutive three years. For details see the Template – I, at the end.
· These lists of Misplaced books, Missing books, damaged books and lost & cost realized books are to be submitted to the University Librarian to place the same before the appropriate authority for perusal. The list of books must contain Accession Number, Title, Author and Price in compliance with the observation of the thematic audit and decision of the standing committee for the "Written Off" / "Weed Out".
· For calculating price, if no price is mentioned in the Accession Register or not available on the book, the price will be ascertained on the basis of the VB Library rules as updated time-to-time.
· As per the standing committee's decision, the list of damaged books with their Accession Number, Title, Author and Price are to be uploaded in the library website. These books are also to be displayed in the library physically for the opinion of the users before Weeding Out.
· If the user recommends any book for further use, it is to be digitized or preserved depending on the physical condition of the book.
· Now, the final list is to be prepared with Misplaced, Missing, Damaged, Lost and cost realized of books and their total cost price is to be calculated.
· List of books and their total cost is to be sent to the Registrar for its final approval to weed-out and then the same is to be sent Accounts Office for weed-out from university stock Register. After getting the approval from the competent authority, “weed-out / withdrawn: due to ‘damage’ or ‘missing’ or ‘lost & cost realized’” may be mentioned in the catalogue module of the 'LibSys' database to cater updated information on actual holdings to the clientele to save their valuable time.
· For Departmental/Seminar Library, every department need to conduct the annual physical stock verification of all the library books (transferred from Central/Sectional Library) and complete report must be sent to the University Librarian to place before the competent authority. Departments may conduct the work of physical stock verification according to their convenience, but it is to taken compulsory for every year.
Physical Stock Verification Report (Library Books) for the Year 2021-22
Central Library, Visva-Bharati.
Sl. No. |
Item |
No. |
Value (₹) |
No. of Misplaced Books (Value is not mandatory as the same book will be searched in the next two/three consecutive years to mark as missing) |
No. of Missing Books |
No. of Damaged Books |
No. of Lost and Cost Realized Books |
The list of missing, Misplaced, damaged, Lost and cost realized must contain the following fields;
Sl.No. |
Accn. No* |
Title* |
Author* |
Call Number |
Publication Year |
Price |
*Mandatory filed |
A. List of Misplaced Books (for the last four years i.e. 2021-22, 2020-21. 2019-20, 2018-19)
i) List of Misplaced Books for the year 2021-22
Sl.No. |
Accn. No |
Title |
Author |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
76 |
ii) List of Misplaced Books for the year 2020-21
Sl.No. |
Accn No |
Title |
Author |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
45 |
iii) List of Misplaced Books for the year 2019-20
Sl.No. |
Accn No |
Title |
Author |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
12 |
iv) List of Misplaced Books for the year 2018-19
Sl. No. |
Acc. No. |
Title |
Author |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Now if it is, out of the 13 (thirteen) misplaced books for the year 2018-19, 08 books have been found during the stock verification in the year 2021-22. Therefore, remaining five misplaced books (listed above) for the year 2018-19 have been tried to find out till this year (2021-22), but failed to traced and may be treated/declared as missing during the year 2021-22 and price of all these books needs to be mentioned.
B. List of Missing books during 2021-22 (which was originally misplaced since 2018-19 and this year declared as missing) (sample)
Sl. No. |
Acc. No. |
Title |
Author |
Price in Rs. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Total |
C. List of Damage books: 2021-22 (sample)
Sl. No. |
Acc. No. |
Title |
Author |
Price in Rs. |
Total Price: |
D. List of ‘books lost and cost realized’ during the year 2021 -22
Sl No. |
Title |
Author |
Acc no. |
Receipt No. & date |
Price in Rs. |
Total Rs. |
SOP for Seminar Libraries
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) / Guidelines for the smooth operation of the Departmental / Seminar Libraries
[Accepted by the authority on 11 April 2023. Meeting of the Library Working Committee (formerly, Library Development Advisory Committee and Library Committee) on 03 February 2023, 11.30am. Meeting of all In-charge of the Visva-Bharati Library Network (VBLN), on 23 January 2023, 12.30pm].
After receiving the requisition of print book(s) from the department through HoD, Central Library / concerned Sectional Library will procure the book(s) following the existing SOP for the procurement of Print Books;
Central Library / concerned Sectional Library will process the books (Accessioning, Classification, Catalogue, Spine label printing and pasting) followed by data entry (bibliographic information) in the LibSys, existing Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) of VB;
HoD of the concerned department or his/her representative will receive the book(s) from the Central Library / concerned Bhavana/Sectional Library for their departmental library. After waiting maximum three months from the processing of book(s), Central Library / concerned Bhavana library will send the book(s) in its stack, if the concerned department fails to receive the book(s) from the Central Library / concerned Bhavana/Sectional Library for the seminar library;
The Books of the Seminar Library will not be issued officially for home lending and regular footfalls of the library are to be noted in a register;
If any department does not maintain any register or file to prove the number of footfalls readers in the seminar library to consult book(s) in a given period, then the department concerned will not be entitled to get the provision noted in the GFR-2017, 215.ii. for losing/missing of library books;
Every department need to submit the Physical verification report (list of accession number of books holds by the concerned department other than Project, SAP, etc.) annually to the University Librarian without fail. The work of verification may be done by the department by their own during any recess/vacation or as they find convenient time. The photo copy of the register of the annual footfalls is to be attached with the physical verification report;
All the books of the Seminar/Departmental Library transferred from Central Library will be under the control/custody of the HoD or his/her nominee among faculty members of the department. HoD or his/her nominee among faculty members of the department will be responsible to clarify before the competent authority regarding any mishandling of the Seminar/Departmental Library;
Concerned Department has to find out the ways and liable to compensate for the missing book(s), if any from the seminar/departmental library, based on latest VB Library rules;
Before issuing clearance to the students/scholars/faculty members, HoD or his/her nominee among faculty members of the department will take enough care about the seminar library books to stop the misuse/losing of library books;
All the VB fraternity will be permitted/allowed to consult each and every Seminar library books within the concerned library/department only;
If, any department would like to return all the books (initially transferred from the central library to the departmental library) from the seminar library to the Central Library or Bhavana / Sectional Library along with the Almirahs and Book racks, the Library Authority will consider this transfer subject to availability of adequate physical space at the Central Library.