Visva-Bharati Digital Library

Sectional Libraries



 Bangladesh Bhavana Library

The Bangladesh Bhavana was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina on May 25 2018. The Bangladesh Bhavana has set up with a museum on history and culture of Bangladesh and Tagore’s memorabilia; auditorium, seminar hall, cafeteria, art gallery and a library in the first floor. It is expected that the bhavana shall be a centre for language, literature, culture and cultural exchange of two pride nations India and Bangladesh.


The library will function as a research library with in-house reading facility in a very conducive reading environment and no provision of lending of books. The library has 3946 books on Bangladesh and Nazrul. Alpha numerical accession number is being provided with each document like BB 125 (for purchased books), GB 123 (from gift books). Newly designed Readers’ card will be used for entry in the Bhavana as well as use of the library resources.

Technical processing like online accessioning, cataloguing etc. has already been started. The reading room of the library is well equipped with audio visual latest electronic gadgets, Kiosks etc. Through these facilities users’ can feel, visualize the resources like art, cultural tradition, values and voices of the great countries.


Future plan of library services includes preparing bibliography on selected topics like national movement, local history, bhasha andolan, on Tagore etc. or any other topic of demand by the scholars. Selective dissemination of information service will also be provided in electronic form. Social media can play the role of an interactive platform with users’ community. The library intends to act not only as a library but also as information centre by gathering, consolidating and defusing information commensurate with the aim and objectives of the Bhavana i.e. to became a nerve centre of language, literature and culture of both the countries.

Bangladesh Bhavana library started its journey with active collaboration of Bangladesh Government and Visva-Bharati with a visionary zeal. The main strength of the library will not only be its rich collection, high technology-based communication system but the ethos of quality of hospitality to its users like host.


Cheena Bhavana Library

The Cheena Bhavana Library has one of the most valuable collections in Visva-Bharati. Although officially the Cheena Bhavana Library along with the Bhavana was opened in 1937, the acquisition of books and other documents had started earlier. Among rare books in this Library are Hwang-Chi’ing Ching-Chiai, a collection of Commentaries on Chinese Canons of Chi’ing Dynasty (1644-1910AD), Tzu-Chih Tunga-Chien, the Chinese Government Annuals, from the Chou Dynasty to the Sund Dynasty (771 BC – 960 AD), 24 different editions of the Chinese Tripitaka, presently it has a collection of 46,246 documents along with more than 5000 books received as gift from different sources. The Library has provision of 30 users seating capacity and around 200 users and a daily transaction of 30 books.


Cheena Bhavana Library has connected with the Campus wide MHRD Wifi. Library has 04 PCs, 02 printers, two Scanner for its Library and Cloud based Library Management Software Koha (Unicode Web compliant) is being used for automating the library activity and services.

Goals/Objectives of the Library: To collect, preserve, cultivate and endow the treasures of knowledge, heritage and culture in Chinese Language in general with an emphasis on the Indo-China relations in particular. To serve the Students and Faculty members of the Chinese Department, this Library is responsible for collecting the literary treasures of the Chinese people and preserving the continuity of Chinese culture.

Foreign Collaboration: Cheena Bhavana Library has signed MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) with Shanghai Library, People’s Republic of China on November 03, 2016 for three years. Through this MOA, Shanghai Library will provide 500 copies of books in the 1st year of MOA and subsequently 100 books per year. This will be of great help in collection and development of Cheena Bhavana Library, Library resource sharing would be possible for library catalogue database, books, journals, etc., This MOA between the two libraries possess important significance for India China educational exchanges.


Library Collection: 

  • Books: 46000 (approx. including Gifted Books)
  • CD/DVD-ROMs: 450 +
  • Journals / Magazine 

India Today


  • Newspapers: 02 ( Anandbazar & Statesman)
  • Online Databases: 

Cambridge University Press

China and the Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain and China, 1841-1951


Oxford University Press

Project Muse



Taylor & Francis

Wiley Blackwell Publishing


Resources / Collections of the Library (including Special Collection, Rare Collection and Digitized Collection): Among the rare books in this library are the Hwang-Chi’ing Ching-Chiai, a collection of Commentaries of Chinese Canons of the Chi’ing Dynasty (1644-1910 A.D.), Tzu-Chih Tunga-Chien, the Chinese government Annuals, from the Chou Dynasty to the Sund dynasty (771 B.S-960 A.D), 24 different editions of the Chinese Tripitaka. The Library has also a special collections of Chinese Encyclopaedia and the very important and valuable collection of the Chinese Budhhist scriptures titled Tripitakas in Sanskrit and Ts’ang-ching in Chinese. In addition, the earlier complete set of the Tibetan Budhhist Tripataka purchased by Tagore.


Library Servics:

New Arrivals

Lending Service

Modern Language Lab with latest technology

Reference Service

On-line Public Access Catalogue

Book Reservation

Bibliographic Services

Reprographic Services

Inter Library Loan Services through different Libraries

Discovery Service

Drillbit (Anti Plagirism Software)

EndNote (Citation and Bibliography Management Software)

Wi-Fi facilities within department

Access of E-Journals

Internet Searching & Browsing

Accessing 120 TV channels directly from China 


Library Advisory Committee:


1. Prof. Avijit Banerjee, Professor & Head  - Chairman

2. Smt. Hem Kusum, Assistant Professor  - Member

3. Sri. Atreya Bhatta, Assistant Professor  - Member

4. Dr. Nimai Chand Saha, University Librarian (Acting)  - Special Invitee

5.  Sri. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Asstt. Lib. & In-charge, CBL  - Convener


Library has Institutional Repository (IR), for the digitised collections, of question papers, syllabuses, Faculty/Staff/Scholars Publications which are accessible through the Visva-Bharati Library website at ( ).


Library Users: Students, Research Scholars, Teachers, Staffs of Visva-Bharati are the normal users of Library. Outsiders can use this library with special permission.


Visva-Bharati Library Network: The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD Wifi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  1. Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  2. Integrated automation through Koha software,

  3. Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitised books, theses

  4. Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Drillbit: ), Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc


  1. Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  2. Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  3. Braille Library Service

  4. Network e-Newsletter



Darshan Sadan Library



Hindi Bhavana Library

The Hindi Bhavana foundation was inspired by C.F.Andrews and Kshitimohan Sen and the tireless endeavour of Pandit Banarasidas Chaturvedi bore fruit with the completion of the Hindi Bhavana building on January 31, 1939. The Library in Hindi-Bhavana was started in 1939 and has a collection of 37,480 print books. This is also an excellent library where autographed books by Mahadevi Verma, Sumitranandan Pant, Suryakant Tripathi ‘Nirala’, Premchand, Benarsidas Chaturvedi and Hazariprasad Dwivedi are preserved along with books on Hindi literature and books on various subjects in Hindi. There is a rich collection of journals, old and contemporary. The Library has provision of 3 users seating capacity and around 260 users having daily transaction of average 35 books.

Hindi Bhavana Library has connected with the Campus wide MHRD Wifi. Library has 04 PCs, 02 printers, one Scanner for its Library and Cloud Based Library Management Software Koha (Unicode Web compliant) is being used for automating the library activity and services.

Goals/Objectives of the Library: To collect, preserve, cultivate and endow the treasures of knowledge, heritage and culture in Hindi Language. To serve the Students and Faculty members of the Hindi Department, this Library is responsible for collecting the Hindi literature and books on various subjects.

Library Collection: 

  • Books: 37290 (alongwith 429 Gifted Books)
  • Journals / Magazine: 2

Samakalin Bharatiya Sahitya

India Today (Hindi)


  • Newspapers: 02 (Jansatta & Telegraph)

Resources / Collections of the Library (including Special Collection, Rare Collection and Digitized Collection): This is also an excellent library where autographed books by Mahadevi Verma, Sumitranandan Pant, Suryakant Tripathi’Nirala’, Premchand, Benarsidas Chaturvedi and Hazariprasad Dwivedi and special collection on Gandhi and translated works of Rabindranath Tagore are preserved along with books on Hindi literature and books on various subjects in Hindi.


Library Servics:

New Arrivals

Lending Service

Reference Service

On-line Public Access Catalogue

Book Reservation

Bibliographic Services

Reprographic Services

Inter Library Loan Services through different Libraries

Discovery Service

Urkund (Anti Plagirism Software)

EndNote (Citation and Bibliography Management Software)

Wi-Fi facilities within department

Access of E-Journals

Internet Searching & Browsing


Library Advisory Committee:


1. Prof. Chakradhar Tripathy, Professor & Head  - Chairman

2. Dr. Subhash Chandra Roy, Assistant Professor  - Member

3. Dr. Jagdish Bhagat, Assistant Professor  - Member

4. Dr. Arjun Kumar, Assistant Professor  - Member

5. Dr. Nimai Chand Saha, University Librarian (Acting)  - Special Invitee

6. Sri. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Asstt. Lib. & Additional charge, HBL  - Convener


Library has Institutional Repository (IR), for the digitised collections, of question papers, syllabuses which are accessible through the Visva-Bharati Library website at ( ).


Library Users: Students, Research Scholars, Teachers, Staffs of Visva-Bharati are the normal users of Library. Outsiders can use this library with special permission.

Visva-Bharati Library Network: The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD Wifi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  1. Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  2. Integrated automation through Koha software,

  3. Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitised books, theses

  4. Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Urkund: ), Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc 

  1. Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  2. Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  3. Braille Library Service

  4. Network e-Newsletter



Kala Bhavana Library                                                                                                                                                                               Kala Bhavana Library website


(a) Area in Sq. meters quoted for the Library: 200.66 Sq. meters

(b) Total No. of books (including Rare Books): 16,841

(c) Total No. of Dissertation papers: 1334

(e) Total No. of Rare Books & Journals: 2200

(f) Total No. of digitized resources: 1673 titles in 45 DVD

(g) No. of Journals subscribed for this year: 09

(h) No. of daily Newspaper subscribed for this year: 03 daily & 02 extra on Sunday only

(i) No. of Magazine for this year: 10



The Kala Bhavana (KB), the Institute of Fine Arts of Visva-Bharati was founded in 1919, two years prior to the founding of the Visva-Bharati University (1921). It is, today, regarded as one of well-known distinguished centre for Visual Art practice and research in India. This institute gave shape to the culture specific modernism initiated by Rabindranath Tagore and carried forward by the commitment and wisdom of Nandalal Bose, Benodebehari Mukhopadhyay, Ramkinkar Baij and their contemporaries.

Kala Bhavana Library has a good collection of 17,935 documents and is one of the best art history libraries in India. The Library has around 400 users and a daily transaction of 100 books.

The collection of Haridas Mitra, Sujata Roy, Abanindaranath Tagore, Nandalal Bose, Benodebehari Mukherjee, Ramkinkar Baij and their contemporaries are worth mentioning.





Intake (Indian Students)

Intake (Foreign Student)



15% of Indian

Adv. FA / MFA


15% of Indian

2-Year Certificate Course (in Design only)


15% of Indian

1-Year Foreign Casual Course



1-Year Indian Casual Course





The main objective of the Kala-Bhavana library:

v  To organize, preserve and make the documents available to the users

v  To build a strong collection in the field of Fine Arts

v  To enhance computer facilities for fast information access and retrieval



v  The Kala-Bhavana Library of Visva-Bharati remains open from 9.30 am to 6 pm (except recess time) throughout the year on all normal working days.

v  The library remain closed on Wednesdays, Thursdays (weekly off) and other notified holidays.



v  Kala-Bhavana Library occupies a part of ground floor of the Nandan building situated near Rabindra-Bhavana, Visva-Bharati.

v  The covered area is 200.66 square meters.

v  There is a air-conditioned Reading Room with 50 seating capacity

v  There are good numbers of fire extinguisher to control small fires for emergency situations.



v  LAN (Local Area Network) is developed throughout the library.

v  Library offers free wireless internet/intranet access (Wi-Fi) to the library users.

v  Bibliographical information of library resources (e.g. books, journals, theses, etc.) is accessible by the computer system from On-Campus and Off-Campus as well 

v  Koha web version is being used for the library database and all other in-house library activities.

v  Six numbers of computers are dedicated for browsing electronic resources as well as for OPAC searching by the library users

v  Four numbers of computers are client access computers for library management work for library staff.

v  All computers in the library are connected with internet through Cable / WI-Fi connectivity

v  The circulation counter is equipped with one hand scanner for issue and return of the books.

v  Surveillance System using CCTVs has been installed in the library

v  Automatic Fire and Smoke Alarm System has been installed



The library renders the following services for the benefit of the users:

v  Issue-Return of books

v  Book renew/re-issue service

v  Reference and Referral services

v  Information services

v  Access to current issues and back volumes of journals

v  Access to rare books

v  OPAC / WebOPAC services

v  Digital photocopying service

v  Display of New Arrivals   

v  Current Awareness Service

v  Kohaweb version is utilized in library automation

v  Searching on-line resources

v  Online access to bibliographic information of Master Degree Dissertations (Kala-Bhavana)

v  Free internet access (Wi-Fi) facility

v  User can access internet using their Laptop, smart phone, etc.

v  User can take digital photograph of the document using their own camera

v  Pure drinking water for the library users

v  Separate washroom both for male and female



The scanning and archiving of rare and brittle books and other documents are under way. In the 1st phase, digitization project was run at Rabindra-Bhavana, Visva-Bharati funded by RRRLF. Some old books/ documents of Kala-Bhavana Library (Total no. of title 1673) were digitized under this project and provided 45 DVDs to Kala-Bhavana Library.


Sangeet Bhavana Library

Sangit Bhavana Library is attached with Sangit Bhavana (Institute of Dance, Drama & Music). Library started its functioning from 1951 sharing a portion of Bhavana office. At present Sangit Bhavana Library has its own two storied building at the north corner of Bhavana with 37,209 books, 150 CD & DVDs, 2000 bound periodicals. Students of other Bhavanas are allowed to consult reference books and in some cases they may also issue books.

Area of Library: 472.11 Sq.Mt.

Rare Collection:- 500

Library Collection: As on 31st March 2021

Books: 37209

Bound Journals: 2000

Subcribed Journals: 2

CD & DVDs: 150

Magazine: 3


E-Resources: 90000 including e-books, e-journals, e-database, etc.


Online Journal (UGC-Infonet)


Browse by subject : Click Here
No of Publisher(s) (7 ) Under the subject: Music


Blackwell - Wiley

Cambridge University Press


OUP Archive

Oxford University Press

Project Muse

Taylor and Francis


Open Access Digital Repository: Digital Library of India-

Library Users: Students, research scholars and staff of Visva-Bharati are the normal users of Library. Outsiders can use this Library with special permission.


Library Services:


  • Reference Service

  • E-content services

  • On-line Public Access Catalogue

  • Bibliographic Services

  • Reprographic Services

  • Access of E-Journals

  • Newspaper cliping

  • Internet Service


Library Hours: Friday to Tuesday: 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.


Visva-Bharati Library Network: The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD Wifi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  1. Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  2. Integrated automation through Koha software,

  3. Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitised books, theses

  4. Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Urkund: ), Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc 

  1. Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  2. Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  3. Braille Library Service

  4. Network e-Newsletter



Patha Bhavana Library


The Patha Bhavana was a school (Ashram Vidyalaya ) Tagore founded in 1901 within the Ashrama called ‘Brahmacharya Ashram’. Patha Bhavana is presently a co-educational school for elementary, secondary and higher secondary education. 

Patha Bhavana Library (Samindra Sishu Pathagar)

Patha Bhavana Library, as known today, was originally established by Rabindranath Tagore as ‘Ashrama Pathaghar’ at the inception Ashram Vidhyalaya. It was developed and nurtured by Tagore himself by collecting books as donation from various parts of the world during his tour. He also has commissioned writing of books to suit the requirements the school. This library, in fact, was the original form of today’s Visva-Bharati Library Network. 

A few years after the creation of Visva-Bhatai University, the Library was split into two (in the middle of 1960’s) as Visva-Bharati Central Library and Patha Bhavana Library (renamed as Samindra Sishu Pathagar). 

It is one of the biggest school libraries in India according to the collection. It is an open access system library. At present there are 36,286 books in the collection of the Library. The spacious reading room (83.57 sq.mts) provided in the Library facilitates reading of magazines and other reference books.


Library Collection: As on 15th November 2014


Books: 36,286 

Journals: 16 


Anandamela (Bengali) monthly 

Kishore Gyan Vignan (Bengali) monthly 

Kishore Bharati (Bengali) monthly 

Desh (Bengali) fortnightly 

Suktara (Bengali) monthly 

Parasuna (Bengali) monthly 

Sandesh (Bengali) monthly 

Gyanvichitra (Bengali) monthly 

Khela (Bengali) weekly 

Science Reporter (English) monthly 

Sportstar (English) weekly 

TTIS (English) weekly 

Sukhigrihokon (Bengali) monthly 

Saptahik Bartaman (Bengali) Weekly 

Bhraman (Bengali) monthly 

Safar (Bengali) monthly 


Library Users:


Class II-XII students, teachers, staff members, research scholars, retired staff 

Outsiders can use this library with special permission. 

Moreover, Library has provision for institutional membership. 


Library Services:


Lending Service 

Reference Service 

On-line Public Access Catalogue ( 


Library Hours


Winter time: 6.45 am – 1.30 pm: Summer time: 6.15 am to 1.30 am 


Important Sites: 


Academic Service: The Patha Bhavana Library organises the Library Science course (vocational) for the pre-degree students.


Visva-Bharati Library Network: The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD Wifi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  1. Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  2. Integrated automation through Koha software,

  3. Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitised books, theses

  4. Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Urkund: ), Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc


  1. Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  2. Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  3. Braille Library Service

  4. Network e-Newsletter



Two more libraries function under the Patha Bhavana, though not under the Patha Bhavana Library, like Mrinalini Anada-Pathsala (non-residential nursery school) and Sakha Sangha Library (one of the wings of the Ashram Sammelani) run by the students.



Palli Siksha Bhavana Library

On the basis of recommendation of a National Commission (L.K. Elmhirst first director of Sriniketan was also a member), an Institution of Rural Higher Education was set up at Sriniketan in 1957. The main object was to give leadership by providing expertise agricultural information for sustainable rural economic development. Later in September 1, 1963 Palli Siksha Sadan was set up offering degree courses in Agriculture and Social Work. Later Social Work was transferred to Department of Social Work of Palli Samgathan Vibhaga in 1975. In revised Visva-Bharati Act of 1984 it again was renamed as Palli Siksha Bhavana (Institute of Agriculture) which offers graduation, post-graduation and Ph. D programmes in Agricultural Education. PSB Library serves Palli Siksha Bhavana comprising of three departments like Agriculture, Social Work and Palli Charcha Kendra in particular and to others departments of Visva-Bharati in general.

The Library is stationed in a two- storied building of 452 square meters consisting of stack, journal section, technical section, binding section, computer laboratory, reading room with seating capacity of fifty users. The Library can boast of its good collection on Agricultural Education, Research and Extension, Journal Section and gray literature in Agriculture.


Library Collection: As on 15th November 2014 


Books: 49073 

Journals: 5434 

Newspapers: 2 

           Magazine: 3 

       E-Resources: 90000 including e-books, e-journals, e-database, etc. 

       Online Journal (UGC-Infonet): 

       Open Access Digital Repository: Digital Library of India-


Library Users: Students, research scholars, teachers, staff of Visva-Bharati are the normal users of Library. Outsiders can use this Library with special permission. 


Library Services: 

  • Reference Service

  • E-content services

  • On-line Public Access Catalogue (

  • Bibliographic Services

  • Reprographic Services

  • Access of E-Journals

  • Newspaper cliping 


Visva-Bharati Library Network: The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD Wifi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  1. Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  2. Integrated automation through Koha software,

  3. Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitised books, theses

  4. Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Urkund: ), Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc 

  1. Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  2. Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  3. Braille Library Service

  4. Network e-Newsletter


Library Hours: 

9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. (Wednesday and Sunday Holiday)


Palli Samganthan Vibhavaga Library

Palli Samgathana Vibhaga Library was set up at Sriniketan in the year 1927 as one of its section for providing information and library services to the villagers as part of Tagore’s mission on rural reconstruction in the surrounding villages of Sriniketan. Tagore set up Chalantika Library, mobile library service for the remote villagers. The Govt. of West Bengal came forward in 1952 to promote the rural development programmes undertaken by Tagore at Sriniketan , they sponsored and attached one Area Library to PSV Library providing with fund and staff. RRRLF has also extended their cooperation providing books, furniture, computers, etc. for the rural people. The Present Palli Samgathana Vibhaga (PSV) Library (having 52,675 of documents) is the combination of Chalantika Library, Sriniketan Sadharan Pathagar and Area Library.

PSV Library has connected with the Campus wide Fiber Optic Network named GitanjaliNet (INFLIBNET). Library has seven (07) PCs, two (02) printers, one Scanner for its Library and Library Management Software Koha (Unicode Web compliant) is being used for automating the library activity and services.

Goal of the PSV Library: To endeavour the legacy of Tagore through rural reconstruction. Helping users from Rural Extension Centre ,Silpa Sadan and others Department of Visva-Bharati to benefit from the resources of the Library to the maximum possible extension. Introduction of modern equipment and furniture, additional reading space, introduction of Wi-Fi facilities has increased more number of users at PSV Library than earlier. This year has witnessed about three thousand five hundred users at the Library which is expected to be much higher in coming days.



Area in (Sq. metres): 205.30

Seating Capacity: Sixty Users at a time.


Library Collection:

Books: 5,2675 (PSV Library:36833+ Area Library& RRLF:15740+ Gifts: 102)

      Bound Journals: 2,545


Special Collection:

Books on and about Tagore

Vishwa VdiyaSangraha .

Visva-Bharati Research Publication Collections

Birbhum Collection

History, development and activities of Sriniketan



Anandabazar Patrika


Sambad Pratidin


The Statesman

Times of India



  1. Economic and Political Weekly

  2. The Indian Textile Journal

  3. Colourage

  4. Employment News

  5. Man and Life

  6. Aneek

  7. Desh

  8. Pesha Prabesh

  9. Karma Kshetra

  10. Suswastha

  11. Asian Dyer

  12. Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research


Library Services:


  • Lending Service

  • Reference Service

  • On-line Public Access Catalogue (

  • Newspaper Clipping

  • New Arrival Display

  • Inter Library Loan Services through different Libraries.

  • Wi-Fi Facilities for academic purpose.

  • Internet searching & Browsing


Library Hours :

9:30 a.m to 6:00 p.m.

(Wednesday & Sunday is the weekly holidays).


Visva-Bharati Library Network: The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD Wifi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  1. Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  2. Integrated automation through Koha software,

  3. Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitised books, theses

  4. Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Urkund: ), Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc 

  1. Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  2. Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  3. Braille Library Service

  4. Network e-Newsletter



Rabindra Bhavana Library

Rabindra-Bhavana situated in Uttaryana Complex was established in 1942 by the poet’s son Rathindranath Tagore as a memorial museum and research centre for Tagore studies. By the early 70s of the last century, the various activities of Rabindra-Bhavana gradually began to be organised into its different sections.

Rabindra-Bhavana Library is one of the most important units of Rabindra-Bhavana, Visva-Bharati. It is a special library. This library mainly serves the requirements of the Tagore Researchers from all over the world. It includes the personal library of Rabindranath, different editions of the poet’s works, Tagore’s books translated in different Indian and foreign languages and books written by the Tagore scholars on his life and works at different points of time. This library also has a newspaper clipping collection from 1912 to date and a valuable Pamphlets file collection.

Access to the Library: It’s a Reference Library and, hence, the documents have to be consulted within the Library during the working hours.

Permission for use of Library and Archive (separate applications required) a) Short term: Submit the filled up prescribed form along with an introductory letter from eminent scholars/head of departments/ guides etc, b) Long term: Submit the filled up prescribed form with an introductory letter from eminent

scholars/head of departments/ guides etc attaching 2 passport size photos. They will be issued a Library Card (extendable) for use both at Library and Archive.

How to obtain books: Fill up the requisition form by consulting the catalogue cards (Maximum of 4documents are issued at a time for consultation at the Reading Area).


Area of Library:

Stack Room : 508.365 Sq.m

Reading Room: 106.652 Sq.m

Seating Capacity: 16 seats for Scholars


Special Collections:

  1. Pulinbehari Sen

  2. Probodh Chandra Sen

  3. Santidev Ghosh

  4. S. Khastogi


Library Collection: As on 15th November 2014

Books: 47830

Journals: 13474

Newspapers: 9 (Bengali-6 & English-3)

       E-Resources: 90000 including e-books, e-journals, e-database, etc.


Writings of and on Rabindranath Tagore are available from this sources.

Online Journal (UGC-Infonet)

1. Down to Earth (Password Based Access)

2. Economic & Political Weekly

3. J-CCC : (Database)


5. Oxford University Press

Open Access Digital Repository: Digital Library of India:

Library Users: Students, Research Scholars, Teachers, Staffs of Visva-Bharati are the normal users of Library. Outsiders can use this library with special permission.


Library Services:

  • Reference Service

  • E-content services

  • On-line Public Access Catalogue (

  • Bibliographic Services

  • Reprographic Services

  • Access of E-Journals

  • Newspaper cliping


Library Hours: Friday to Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.


Visva-Bharati Library Network: The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD Wifi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  1. Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  2. Integrated automation through Koha software,

  3. Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitised books, theses

  4. Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Urkund: ), Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc 

  1. Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  2. Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  3. Braille Library Service

  4. Network e-Newsletter



Siksha Bhavana Library


Rabindranath Tagore’s interest in Science can be reiterated with his great remark One thing is certain, that all-embracing poverty which has overwhelmed our country cannot be removed by working with our hands to the neglect of Science- Rabindranath Tagore, 1925.


Siksha Bhavana Library

In the year 1972, all the science departments, teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses, were brought under Siksha-Bhavana, which is now known as Institute of Science. Prof Dipankar Chatterjee, Adhyaksha of Siksha-Bhavana mooted a proposal for a separate Vigyan-Bhavana Library during 1970’s. The library building completed towards the end of 1989 started functioning from April 1990. Eventually, in the year 2014 Siksha-Bhavana library shifted to the new Integrated Science building. Total area of Siksha-Bhavana library is now approx.450 sq. meter. At present library caters to the Faculty members, Research Scholars and Students of both UG and PG for the following 10 departments in addition to Visva-Bharati community in general. The departments are: Department of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Zoology, Botany, Statistics, Computer & System Sciences, Environment Studies, Biotechnology and Integrated Science Education & Research.

The Siksha-Bhavana Library is enabled with a large stack area accommodating around 17,000 books. The books are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) 23rd edition with extreme care to the subject matter. Recently purchased books are being updated on a day-to-day basis with details through Library Management Software Koha. The edition and updating activities are in progress. 


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The total number of print books crossed 16,856 during this time apart from considerable increase in the E- resources. To strengthen the print collection of the library Prof. Prasanta Chatterjee, Head, Mathematics and Prof. Pranab Sarkar, Co-ordinator-SAP-Chemistry transferred their project books to the Bhavana Library. The Siksha-Bhavana also subscribes to a large number of English and vernacular magazines and weeklies, apart from academic journals. Four newspapers in English and Bengali languages are subscribed to at the Siksha-Bhavana Library.

Printed Books


Print Journals

Online Journal



1,045 (approx)



Biotechnology(29), Botany (236),Chemistry (552), Engineering(354),Geology (68), Mathematics (417),Medical (452), Physics (434),Technology (252), Zoology (156), … and many


Biotechnology (7), Botany (115), Chemistry (126), Computer Sc.(1),Environmental Sc. (9), Integrated Sc.(2), Mathematics (59), Physics (71),Statistics (3), Zoology (164)



The Siksha-Bhavana Library has its own Sub-Lan consisting of six (6) terminals, with Network Connection. Three (3) PCs are exclusively earmarked for the users for browsing e-resources. Photocopying facility is also made avaialable. Internet facility is open only for the regular members of the university and library. In additions to the three terminals, users are free to carry their laptops/notebooks/tablets to browse e-resources as library is Wi-Fi enabled so as to support their academic and research activities. 


The Library is open from 9.30 am to 6 pm on all weekdays. The services provided are varied as given below:

  • Book borrowing (mainly by Bhavana Students, Research Scholars, Staff and Faculty Members- Fully automated). Now, migrated to the new computerized circulation system through Koha

  • Display of New Arrivals (Books, Journals, Newspapers and library e-newsletter).

  • Syllabus & old question papers.

  • Temporary membership.

  • Photocopying Services on demand.


Visva-Bharati Library Network

The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD WiFi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  • Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  • Integrated automation through Koha software,

  • Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitized books, theses,

  • Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Urkund:, Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc

  • Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  • Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  • Braille Library Service

  • Library Network e-Newsletter


Future Plans

The Library is on the high road of an unwavering growth and expansion. Some of the plans for the immediate future are listed below:

  • Development of library collections- books and journals

  • More computers for increasing usage of e-resources as well as OPAC search.

  • Introduction of in-house binding facilities

  • Increasing library service hours for users

  • Air-conditioning and captivating interior with more space and fitting furniture for reading area.

  • Merging collections of departmental libraries with the Bhavana Library in the light of the comments made by NAAC peer team during their visit in 2015 as there is no need to maintain parallel seminar library as Bhavana Library is here.

The Siksha-Bhavana Library is now crossing its infancy and gradually progressing with a commitment to become a world class Science institute library. 



Siksha Satra Library

Siksha-Satra, established in 1924 in Santiniketan, and later shifted to Sriniketan (1927), caters to the children of villages deprived of opportunities of any form of education due to lack of facilities or poverty. That India lives in her villages and that it is impossible to maintain the organic health by enriching urban centres and neglecting rural India was the enduring truth which Tagore tried relentlessly to establish. Towards the upliftment of the rural people through education and development of self-reliance, Tagore devoted himself and directed his efforts. Tagore was conscious of the difference in needs of the rural and urban people and imaginatively developed curricula for such needs.


Siksha-Satra provides an atmosphere of openness of nature in which lessons are imparted in keeping with the syllabus shared with Patha-Bhavana. It also provides a large spectrum of work education subjects like Modeling, Woodwork, Weaving, Electrical Servicing and Maintenance, Horticulture, Artistic Handicraft and Drawing & Painting. Other student activities are the meetings of the literary forum (Sahitya Sabha), Sports and Games, N.C.C., N.S.S., excursions and participation in the University festivals.

Siksha-Satra was a residential school with facilities for day-scholars up to 1975. It is, at present, a non-residential school.


Area of Library:

Stack Room : 23 X 20 Ft.

Reading Room: 20 X 15 & 18 X 20 Ft.

Seating Capacity: 20 seats for Students & 10 for teachers


Library Collection: As on 31st March 2014

Books: 24847

Current Journals: 24

Newspapers : 9 


Library Users: Students, teachers and staffs of Visva-Bharati are the normal users of Library.


Academic Service: The Siksha Satra Library organises the Library Science course (vocational) of the pre-degree students.


Library Services:


Library Hours:

All days except weekly holidays (Wednesday & Sunday):

Day time: 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Morning time: 6.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. 


Important Links:


West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

NCERT-Online books 

Books & Support Material----CBSE 


Visva-Bharati Library Network: The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD Wifi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  1. Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  2. Integrated automation through Koha software,

  3. Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitised books, theses

  4. Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Urkund: ), Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc 

  1. Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  2. Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  3. Braille Library Service

  4. Network e-Newsletter




Vinaya Bhavana Library 

The emergence of Vinaya Bhavana as a Department of Education in Visva-Bharati occurred in 1947. Vinaya Bhavana Library came into existence in 1948 as a Sectional Library for Vinaya Bhavana in order to provide library and information services for study and research on education ( including physical education). Presently this library stands for dissemination of information through books, journals, periodicals, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, including e-documents like e-books, e-journals, CD, DVD etc. to the scholars, students, staff members and academic faculties of the departments both Department of Education and Department of Physical Education of Vinaya Bhavana, Institute of Education, Visva-Bharati.

Users of Vinaya Bhavana Library are enjoying Internet search through Wi-Fi connectivity. Personal laptops are allowed in Reading Room for academic and research use. Forty (40) readers can be accommodated at a time in the Reading Room. Three computers have been provided for OPAC and internet searching and browsing

Library Area: 45 square metres

Library Collection:

Books: 20,724+

Print Journals: 16

Dissertation Papers: 610 (Education: 586 & Physical Education: 24)

CDs/DVDs: 34

Newspapers: 05

Magazines: 05

Online Databases:

Blackwell - Wiley




Project Muse

Science Direct

Springer Link

Taylor and Francis

Open Access e-Resources:

Digital Library of India

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)



Library Users: Students, Research Scholars, Staffs of Visva-Bharati are the normal users of Library. Outsiders can use this library with special permission.


Library Services:

  • Reference Service


  • Internet Service

  • Wi-Fi Service

  • Braille Library


Library Hours:

All days except weekly holidays: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Weekly Holidays: Wednesday and Sunday


Visva-Bharati Library Network: The Library is part of the Visva-Bharati Library Network and is connected to the Central Library through the campus wide MHRD Wifi. The services that are available to the users through this network are:

  1. Union catalogue of documents of all libraries in the network (WebOPAC:,

  2. Integrated automation through Koha software,

  3. Access to digital, electronic resources like online journals & databases, e-books, digitised books, theses

  4. Information services like Newspaper Clipping, CAS, Scholarship update, New Arrivals, Institutional Repository consisting of syllabuses and question papers, IT-enabled services like access to plagiarism detection software (Urkund: ), Single Window Search Engine (Discovery Service:, Web of Science, JGate+, EndNote etc 

  1. Library Website: Gateway to everything about the Library:

  2. Inter - Library Loan System (DELNET)

  3. Braille Library Service

  4. Network e-Newsletter



© 2015 - 2025 Visva-Bharati Library Network