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 Online Journals from Religion & Theology

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Title URL Publisher
14th Century English Mystics Newsletter State University Press
AJS Review for Jewish Studies;Cambridge University Press
Aleph University Press
American Jewish Historical Quarterly Johns Hopkins University Press
American Jewish History Johns Hopkins University Press
American Journal of Philology Johns Hopkins University Press
American Journal of Theology & Philosophy of Illinois Press
American Periodicals: A Journal of History & Criticism Ohio State University Press
American Presbyterians Historical Society
Anglican and Episcopal History Society of the Episcopal Church
Archives de sciences sociales des religions
Archives de sociologie des religions
Arethusa Johns Hopkins University Press
Asian Ethnology University
Asian Folklore Studies University
Beit Mikra: Journal for the Study of the Bible and Its World / בית מקרא: כתב-עת לחקר המקרא ועולמו Institute, Jerusalem / מוסד ביאליק, ירושלים
British Journal of Religious Education
Buddhist-Christian Studies of Hawai'i Press
Bulletin of Friends Historical Association Historical Association
Bulletin of Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia Historical Association
Christian Education State University Press
Church History Society of Church History;Cambridge University Press
Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture State University Press
Contemporary Buddhism
Contemporary Islam Netherlands
Contemporary Jewry Netherlands
Contemporary Jewry
Contemporary Religions in Japan University
Culture and Religion
Dao Netherlands
Die Welt des Islams
El Ciervo Ciervo 96, S.A.
European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe Books
Folklore Studies University
Franciscan Studies Institute Publications
Hebrew Abstracts Association of Professors of Hebrew (NAPH)
Hebrew Studies Association of Professors of Hebrew (NAPH)
Hebrew Union College Annual Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
Historia: Journal of the Historical Society of Israel / היסטוריה: כתב עת של החברה ההיסטורית הישראלית Society of Israel / החברה ההיסטורית הישראלית
Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church Society of the Episcopal Church
History of Religions University of Chicago Press
Iggud: Selected Essays in Jewish Studies / איגוד: מבחר מאמרים במדעי היהדות Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion Netherlands
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
International journal for the Study of the Christian Church
International Journal of Children's Spirituality
International Journal of Hindu Studies Netherlands
International Journal of Hindu Studies
Islamic Studies Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies University
Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought / מחקרי ירושלים במחשבת ישראל Institute for Jewish Studies / המכון למדעי היהדות ע\ש מנדל"
Jewish History
Jewish History Netherlands
Jewish Social Studies University Press
Jewish Studies / מדעי היהדות Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות
Jewish Studies Quarterly Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion for the Scientific Study of Religion;Wiley
Journal of Beliefs & Values
Journal of Bible and Religion University Press
Journal of Biblical Literature Society of Biblical Literature
Journal of Contemporary Religion
Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Inc.;Indiana University Press
Journal of Jewish Education
Journal of Jewish Lore and Philosophy Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
Journal of Law and Religion of Law and Religion, Inc.
Journal of Media and Religion
Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures State University Press
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies
Journal of Moral Education
Journal of Moravian History State University Press
Journal of Mormon History History Association
Journal of Presbyterian History (1962-1985) Historical Society
Journal of Qur'anic Studies for Islamic Studies at SOAS;Edinburgh University Press
Journal of Religion and Health US
Journal of Religion and Health
Journal of Religion in Africa
Journal of Research on Christian Education
Journal of the American Academy of Religion University Press
Journal of the American Academy of Religion University Press
Journal of the Department of History (The Presbyterian Historical Society) of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Historical Society
Journal of the National Association of Biblical Instructors University Press
Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society (1901-1930) Historical Society
Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society (1943-1961) Historical Society
Journal of the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis Society of Biblical Literature
Meghillot: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls / מגילות: מחקרים במגילות מדבר יהודה Institute, Jerusalem / מוסד ביאליק, ירושלים
Modern Judaism University Press
Mystics Quarterly State University Press
Near Eastern Archaeology American Schools of Oriental Research
Newsletter (World Union of Jewish Studies) / ידיעון - האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות
Notre Dame English Journal University of Notre Dame
Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions of California Press
Novum Testamentum
Pe'amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry / פעמים: רבעון לחקר קהילות ישראל במזרח Izhak Ben Zvi / יד יצחק בן-צבי
Philosophy East and West of Hawai'i Press
Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural State University Press
Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research Academy for Jewish Research
Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies / דברי הקונגרס העולמי למדעי היהדות Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות
Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society Johns Hopkins University Press
Quaker History Historical Association
Religion & Literature University of Notre Dame
Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation for the Study of Religion and American Culture;University of California Press
Religious Education
Religious Studies University Press
Report (World Congress of Jewish Studies) / דין וחשבון - הקונגרס העולמי למדעי היהדות Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדות
Review of Religious Research Research Association, Inc.
Revue de l'histoire des religions Colin
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament
Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East / ספונות: מחקרים ומקורות לתולדות קהילות ישראל במזרח Izhak Ben Zvi / יד יצחק בן-צבי
Shenaton ha-Mishpat ha-Ivri: Annual of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law / שנתון המשפט העברי של המכון לחקר המשפט העברי for the Research of Jewish Law / המכון לחקר המשפט העברי
Sikh Formations
Sociological Analysis University Press
Sociology of Religion University Press
Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal State University Press
Studia Islamica & Larose
Studia Rosenthaliana Publishers
Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology
Studies in World Christianity University Press
Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Province of the Society of Jesus
Tarbiz / תרביץ Institute for Jewish Studies / המכון למדעי היהדות ע\ש מנדל"
The American Catholic Sociological Review University Press
The American College Bulletin State University Press
The American Journal of Theology University of Chicago Press
The Biblical Archaeologist American Schools of Oriental Research
The Biblical World University of Chicago Press
The Catholic Historical Review University of America Press
The Christian Scholar State University Press
The Furrow Furrow
The Harvard Theological Review University Press;Harvard Divinity School
The Hebrew Student University of Chicago Press
The Innes Review University Press
The Irish Church Quarterly
The Irish Monthly Jesuit Province
The Jewish Quarterly Review of Pennsylvania Press
The Journal of Presbyterian History (1997-) Historical Society
The Journal of Religion University of Chicago Press
The Journal of Religious Ethics
The Old and New Testament Student University of Chicago Press
The Old Testament Student University of Chicago Press
The Torah U-Madda Journal Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, an affiliate of Yeshiva University
Theology and Science
Traditio University
Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought Council of America
Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society Historical Society
U.S. Catholic Historian University of America Press
Vetus Testamentum
Vigiliae Christianae
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