Visva-Bharati Digital Library

 Online Journals from Alphabet U

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Title URL Publisher Subject
U.S. Catholic Historian Catholic University of America Press
U.S. Catholic Historian University of America PressHistory;Religion
U.S.-Japan Women's Journal of Hawai'i Press
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal USMathematics
Ulbandus Review University Slavic DepartmentSlavic Studies
Ulster Journal of Archaeology Archaeological SocietyArchaeology
Uniform Law Review University PressLaw
Universal Access in the Information Society Berlin HeidelbergComputer Science
Universal Human Rights Johns Hopkins University PressLaw
University College Review of Ethiopian StudiesAfrican Studies
University of Pennsylvania Law Review University of Pennsylvania Law ReviewLaw
University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register University of Pennsylvania Law ReviewLaw
University of Toronto Law Journal of Toronto PressLaw
University of Toronto Quarterly of Toronto PressArts
University Resources in the United States and Canada for the Study of Linguistics Society of America
University Review University ReviewHistory;Language & Literature
Updates in Surgery International Publishing
Urban Anthropology Institute, Inc.Anthropology
Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development Institute, Inc.Anthropology
Urban Ecosystems USEcology, Environmental Science
Urban Forum NetherlandsHousing And Urban Planning
Urban Policy and Research
Urban Research & Practice
Urban Water Journal & FrancisGeography, Environmental Science
Urolithiasis Berlin Heidelberg
Ursus Association for Bear Research and ManagementBiological Sciences;Zoology
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction NetherlandsComputer Science
Utopian Studies State University Press
Utopian Studies State University PressPhilosophy
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