Visva-Bharati Digital Library

 Online Journals from Alphabet S

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Title URL Publisher Subject
Safundi Studies-Africa
SAIS Review Johns Hopkins University PressPolitical Science
SAIS Review of International Affairs Johns Hopkins University Press
Salmagundi CollegeLanguage & Literature
Sammelbände der Internationalen Musikgesellschaft Steiner VerlagMusic
Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui Rodopi B.V.Language & Literature
Sankhya A India
Sankhya B India
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics (1933-1960) Statistical Institute;SpringerStatistics
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics (2003-2007) Statistical Institute;SpringerStatistics
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A (1961-2002) Statistical Institute;SpringerStatistics
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A (2008-) Statistical Institute;SpringerStatistics
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B (1960-2002) Statistical Institute;SpringerStatistics
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B (2008-) Statistical Institute;SpringerStatistics
Saothar Labour History SocietyHistory;Irish Studies;Labor & Employment Relations
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research & FrancisChemistry
Savings and Development Dell-Amore Foundation;Research Center on International Cooperation of the University of BergamoBusiness;Development Studies;Economics;Finance
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal & FrancisAccounting and Finance
Scandinavian Economic History Review
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research Science
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research & FrancisGeography
Scandinavian Journal of History
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism and Tourism
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics of the Foundation of the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics;WileyStatistics
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament and Theology
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health National Research Centre for the Working Environment;Finnish Institute of Occupational Health;Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health;Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & HealthHealth Sciences;Labor & Employment Relations
Scandinavian Studies of Illinois Press
Scandinavian Studies for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study;University of Illinois PressLanguage & Literature
Scandinavian Studies and Notes for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study;University of Illinois PressLanguage & Literature
Scando-Slavica Studies-Europe
Schizophrenia Bulletin University PressMedicine
School Effectiveness and School Improvement
School Mental Health US
School??Leadership & Management
Schools: Studies in Education W. Parker School;The University of Chicago PressEducation
Science Association for the Advancement of ScienceBiological Sciences;General Science
Science & Education NetherlandsEducation, General Science
Science & Global Security Science, Geography, Environmental Science
Science & Society PressEconomics;History;Philosophy
Science & Technology Studies Publications, Inc.History of Science & Technology
Science and Engineering Ethics NetherlandsPhilosophy, Engineering and Technology
Science and Public Policy University PressSocial Sciences
Science as Culture Science, Cultural Studies
Science China Chemistry China Press
Science China Earth Sciences China Press
Science China Information Sciences China Press
Science China Mathematics China Press
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy China Press
Science China Technological Sciences China Press
Science Fiction Film and Television University Press
Science Fiction Studies IncLanguage & Literature
Science Studies Publications, Ltd.History of Science & Technology
Science, Technology, & Human Values Publications, Inc.History of Science & Technology
Scientific and Technical Information Processing PublishingComputer Science
Scientific Studies of Reading
Scientometrics International PublishingComputer Science, Library and Information Science
Scottish Archaeological Journal University PressArchaeology
Scottish Geographical Journal
Scottish Literary Review for Scottish Literary Studies
Screen University PressHumanities
Seanchas Ardmhacha: Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society Seanchais Ard Mhacha/Armagh Diocesan Historical SocietyHistory;Irish Studies
Section of Antitrust Law Bar AssociationLaw
Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities Newsletter Bar Association
Section of International and Comparative Law Bulletin Bar AssociationLaw
Security Studies Science
Seed Technology of Official Seed Analysts;Society of Commercial Seed TechnologistsBotany & Plant Sciences
Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East / ספונות: מחקרים ומקורות לתולדות קהילות ישראל במזרח Izhak Ben Zvi / יד יצחק בן-צביJewish Studies;Religion
Seismic Instruments PublishingGeography
Seizième Siècle DrozHistory;Language & Literature
SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 Johns Hopkins University PressLiterature
Selbyana Selby Botanical Gardens, IncBotany & Plant Sciences
Selecta Mathematica International PublishingMathematics
Selected Addresses Delivered at the Conference on English Education Council of Teachers of EnglishEducation
Self and Identity
SeMA Journal International Publishing
Semiconductors PublishingPhysics
Semigroup Forum USMathematics
Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies of Toronto PressArea Studies
Seminars in Immunopathology Berlin Heidelberg
Sensing and Imaging USGIS/Remote Sensing
Seoul Journal of Korean Studies Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies
Separation & Purification Reviews & FrancisChemical Engineering
Separation Science and Technology & FrancisChemical Engineering
Sequential Analysis & FrancisMathematics
Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies PublishersArea Studies
Service Business Berlin HeidelbergBusiness and Management, Economics
Service Oriented Computing and Applications LondonComputer Science
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis NetherlandsMathematics
Sewage and Industrial Wastes Environment FederationAquatic Sciences
Sewage Works Journal Environment FederationAquatic Sciences
Sewanee Review Johns Hopkins University PressSocial Science
Sex Education Science, Social Science
Sex Roles USPsychology, Sociology
Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity Science, Psychology
Sexual and Relationship Therapy
Sexuality & Culture USLifestyle , Sociology
Sexuality and Disability USPsychology, Sociology
Sexuality Research and Social Policy US
Shakespeare, Language and Linguistics
Shakespeare Bulletin Johns Hopkins University PressLiterature
Shakespeare Quarterly Shakespeare Library;George Washington UniversityLanguage & Literature;Performing Arts
Shakespeare Quarterly Johns Hopkins University PressLiterature
Shape Memory and Superelasticity
Shaw State University PressLanguage & Literature
SHAW The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies State University PressLiterature
SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies State University Press
Shenaton ha-Mishpat ha-Ivri: Annual of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law / שנתון המשפט העברי של המכון לחקר המשפט העברי for the Research of Jewish Law / המכון לחקר המשפט העבריJewish Studies;Law;Religion
Ships and Offshore Structures & FrancisTransport Engineering
Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / שנתון לחקר המקרא והמזרח הקדום Institute for Jewish Studies / המכון למדעי היהדות ע\ש מנדל"Jewish Studies
Shock Waves Berlin HeidelbergPhysics
Shofar University PressJewish Studies
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies University PressSocial Science
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics for Industrial and Applied MathematicsMathematics
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis for Industrial and Applied MathematicsMathematics
SIAM Review for Industrial and Applied MathematicsMathematics
Siberian Advances in Mathematics PublishingMathematics
Siberian Mathematical Journal PublishingMathematics
SIDA, Contributions to Botany Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Inc.Botany & Plant Sciences
Sidra: A Journal for the Study of Rabbinic Literature / סידרא: כתב-עת לחקר ספרות התורה שבעל-פה Ilan University Press
Sigma Xi Quarterly Xi, The Scientific Research SocietyGeneral Science
Sign Language Studies University PressLanguage and Linguistics
Signal, Image and Video Processing LondonComputer Science, Engineering and Technology
Signs University of Chicago PressAnthropology;Feminist & Women's Studies;Language & Literature;Sociology
Sikh Formations and Theology
Silicon NetherlandsChemistry - Inorganic Chemistry
Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art voor Nederlandse Kunsthistorische PublicatiesArt & Art History
Sir W. J. Hooker's Report on Kew Gardens Botanic Gardens, Kew
Sirena: poesia, arte y critica Johns Hopkins University PressLiterature, Arts
Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies Sixteenth Century JournalHistory
Skeletal Radiology Berlin Heidelberg
Slavery & Abolition
Slavic Review for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian StudiesSlavic Studies
Sleep and Breathing International Publishing
Small Axe University PressArea Studies
Small Business Economics;Economics
Small Business Economics USEconomics
Small Wars & Insurgencies Science
Small-scale Forestry NetherlandsAgricultural science, Forest and Forestry
Smithsonian Studies in American Art American Art Museum;The University of Chicago PressAmerican Studies;Art & Art History;History
Soccer & Society and Tourism
Social & Cultural Geography
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice BooksAnthropology;Sociology
Social and Economic Studies Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies;University of the West IndiesLatin American Studies
Social Choice and Welfare;Sociology
Social Choice and Welfare Berlin HeidelbergEconomics, Sociology
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience University PressMedicine
Social Dynamics
Social Epistemology, Science
Social Forces University PressSociology
Social Forces University PressSociology
Social Forces University PressSocial Sciences
Social History & Francis, Ltd.History
Social History
Social History of Medicine University PressHumanities+Medicine
Social Identities Science
Social Indicators Research
Social Indicators Research NetherlandsEconomics, Sociology
Social Influence
Social Justice Justice/Global OptionsPolitical Science
Social Justice Research USPolitical Science, Sociology, Anthropology
Social Movement Studies Science
Social Network Analysis and Mining Vienna
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society University PressSocial Sciences
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society University PressPolitical Science
Social Problems University Press;Society for the Study of Social ProblemsSociology
Social Problems University PressSocial Sciences
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Berlin Heidelberg
Social Psychology Sociological AssociationPsychology;Sociology
Social Psychology of Education NetherlandsEducation, Psychology
Social Psychology Quarterly Sociological AssociationPsychology;Sociology
Social Research New SchoolPolitical Science;Sociology
Social Research: An International Quarterly Johns Hopkins University Press
Social Science Gamma Mu, International Honor Society in Social SciencesPolitical Science;Sociology
Social Science History University PressHistory
Social Science History Science History AssociationHistory;Political Science;Sociology
Social Science Japan Journal University PressAsian Studies
Social Science Japan Journal University PressSocial Sciences
Social Science Quarterly of Texas Press;WileyPolitical Science;Sociology
Social Sciences in China
Social Scientist ScientistAsian Studies;Sociology
Social Semiotics Studies
Social Service Review University of Chicago PressPublic Policy & Administration;Social Work
Social Studies of Science Publications, Ltd.History of Science & Technology
Social Text University PressSocial Science
Social Text University PressLanguage & Literature
Social Thought & Research PressSociology
Social Work University PressSocial Work
Social Work University PressSocial Sciences
Social Work (1939-1970) University Press
Social Work Education
Social Work Journal University PressSocial Work
Social Work Research University PressSocial Work
Social Work Research University PressSocial Sciences
Socialism and Democracy Science
Society USSocial Sciences: Comprehensive Works
Society & Natural Resources, Environmental Science, Sociology
Society and Economyémiai KiadóBusiness;Economics;Public Policy & Administration;Sociology
Socio-Economic Review University PressSocial Sciences
Sociological Analysis University PressReligion;Sociology
Sociological Bulletin Sociological SocietySociology
Sociological Focus & Francis, Ltd.Sociology
Sociological Forum;WileySociology
Sociological Methodology Sociological Association;WileySociology
Sociological Perspectives Publications, Inc.Sociology
Sociological Practice Publications, Inc.
Sociological Spectrum
Sociological Theory Sociological Association;WileyPhilosophy;Sociology
Sociologický Časopis / Czech Sociological Review of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech RepublicSociology
Sociologie du Travail pour le développement de la sociologie du travail;Elsevier Masson SASLabor & Employment Relations;Sociology
Sociologisk Forskning Sociologförbund (Swedish Sociological Association)Sociology
Sociology Publications, Ltd.Sociology
Sociology of Education Sociological AssociationEducation;Sociology
Sociology of Religion University PressReligion;Sociology
Sociology of Religion University PressSocial Sciences
Sociometry Sociological AssociationPsychology;Sociology
Soft Computing Berlin HeidelbergComputer Science
Soft Materials & FrancisChemistry
Software & Systems Modeling Berlin HeidelbergComputer Science
Software Quality Journal USComputer Science
Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal & FrancisBotany(Plant Sciences)
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering USGeography, Engineering and Technology
Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia–Yusof Ishak InstituteSocial Science
Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)Anthropology;Asian Studies
Solar Physics NetherlandsPhysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Solar System Research PublishingPhysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Solid Fuel Chemistry PublishingChemistry, Energy and Fuels
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange & FrancisChemistry
Sophia NetherlandsPhilosophy, Language and Linguistics
Souls & FrancisHistory, Cultural Studies, Political Science
Soundings: A journal of politics and culture & Wishart
Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal State University PressReligion
Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal State University Press
Source: Notes in the History of Art Brevis Foundation, Inc.Art & Art History
Sources of the History of Oregon Historical Society
South African Journal of International Affairs Science
South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies Studies-Asia
South Asian Popular Culture Studies-Asia, Cultural Studies
South Atlantic Bulletin Atlantic Modern Language AssociationLanguage & Literature
South Atlantic Review Atlantic Modern Language AssociationLanguage & Literature
South Central Review Johns Hopkins University PressLiterature
South Central Review Johns Hopkins University Press;The South Central Modern Language AssociationLanguage & Literature
South East Asia Research Publishing LtdAsian Studies;Political Science
South European Society and Politics Science
South: a scholary journal University of North Carolina Press
Southeast Asian Affairs–Yusof Ishak InstituteEconomics
Southeast Asian Affairs of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)Asian Studies
Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science
Southeast Asian Journal of Sociology
Southeast Asian Perspectives & Francis, Ltd.Asian Studies;Political Science
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies Studies-Europe
Southeastern Archaeology Publishing;Southeastern Archaeological ConferenceArchaeology
Southeastern Geographer University of North Carolina PressGeography
Southeastern Naturalist Hill InstituteBiological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Southern African Journal of Demography Association of Southern AfricaAfrican Studies;Population Studies
Southern California Quarterly Society of Southern California;University of California PressAmerican Studies;History
Southern Communication Journal
Southern Cultures University of North Carolina PressHistory
Southern Economic Journal Economic AssociationBusiness;Economics
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science & FrancisForests And Forestry
Southern Review State University Press
Southern Review of Public Administration;Management & Organizational Behavior;Public Policy & Administration
Southwestern Historical Quarterly State Historical AssociationHistory
Southwestern Journal of Anthropology of New MexicoAnthropology
Soviet and Eastern European Foreign Trade Sharpe, Inc.Business;Development Studies;Economics;Finance
Soviet Studies & Francis, Ltd.Asian Studies;Slavic Studies
Soziale Welt Verlagsgesellschaft mbHSociology
Soziales Recht GmbHLabor & Employment Relations;Law
Space and Polity
Space Science Reviews NetherlandsPhysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Spatial Cognition & Computation & FrancisComputer Science
Spatial Demography
Spatial Economic Analysis And Economics
Spectroscopy Letters & FrancisChemistry
Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men University Press
Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men University PressAfrican American Studies;Sociology
Speculum Academy of AmericaArt & Art History;History;Language & Literature
Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality Johns Hopkins University PressHumanities
Sport in History and Tourism
Sport in Society and Tourism
Sport Sciences for Health Milan
Sport, Education and Society And Games, Education
Sports Biomechanics and Tourism
Sports Engineering LondonSciences: Comprehensive Works , Sports And Games
Staff Papers (International Monetary Fund) Monetary Fund;Palgrave Macmillan JournalsBusiness;Economics
Stanford Intramural Law Review Law ReviewLaw
Stanford Law Review Law ReviewLaw
State & Local Government Review Publications, Inc.American Studies;Political Science;Public Policy & Administration
State Crime Journal Journals
State Politics & Policy Quarterly Publications, Inc.American Studies;Political Science
State, Culture, and Society Science;Sociology
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes NetherlandsMathematics
Statistical Methods & Applications Berlin HeidelbergStatistics and Data
Statistical Papers Berlin HeidelbergStatistics and Data
Statistical Science of Mathematical StatisticsStatistics
Statistics & FrancisMathematics, Business and Management
Statistics and Computing USComputer Science, Mathematics
Statistics in Biosciences US
Statute Law Review University PressLaw
Steel in Translation PublishingChemistry, Materials Science
Steinbeck Review State University PressLiterature
Steinbeck Studies Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck StudiesLiterature
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports USCytology And Histology ,Medical Sciences - Experimental Medicine, Laboratory Technique
Stochastic Analysis and Applications & FrancisMathematics
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment Berlin HeidelbergEnvironmental Science
Stochastic Models & FrancisMathematics
Stochastics An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes & FrancisMathematics
Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies of Nebraska PressLanguage & Literature
StoryWorlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies of Nebraska Press
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie Berlin Heidelberg
Strategic Analysis Science
Strategic Management Journal;Management & Organizational Behavior
Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment & FrancisEngineering and Technology, Energy and Fuels
Strategic Survey Studies
Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation PublishingGeography
Strength of Materials USChemistry, Materials Science
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Berlin HeidelbergComputer Science, Engineering and Technology, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Structural Chemistry USChemistry
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Social Science
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering & FrancisCivil Engineering
Studi della Scuola Papirologica e Pensiero – Pubblicazioni dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreArchaeology
Studi di Sociologia e Pensiero – Pubblicazioni dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreSociology
Studi Storici Istituto GramsciHistory
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica NetherlandsGeography, Physics
Studia Hibernica Patrick's College, Drumcondra, a College of Dublin City UniversityLanguage & Literature;Linguistics
Studia Islamica & LaroseReligion
Studia Leibnitiana Steiner VerlagPhilosophy
Studia Logica NetherlandsComputer Science, Philosophy, Mathematics
Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic;Philosophy
Studia Musicologicaémiai KiadóMusic
Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricaeémiai KiadóMusic
Studia Neophilologica, Language and Linguistics
Studia Rosenthaliana PublishersJewish Studies;Religion
Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology and Theology
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur Buske Verlag GmbHClassical Studies;History
Studien zur Musikwissenschaft zur Herausgabe von Denkmalern der Tonkunst in OsterriechMusic
Studies in American Fiction Johns Hopkins University Press
Studies in American Humor State University Press
Studies in American Indian Literatures of Nebraska PressAmerican Indian Studies;American Studies;Language & Literature
Studies in American Indian Literatures of Nebraska PressLiterature
Studies in American Jewish Literature State University Press
Studies in American Jewish Literature (1975-1979) State University PressJewish Studies;Language & Literature
Studies in American Jewish Literature (1981-) State University PressJewish Studies;Language & Literature
Studies in American Naturalism of Nebraska Press
Studies in Art Education Art Education AssociationArt & Art History;Education
Studies in Bibliography Society of the University of VirginiaBibliography
Studies in Bibliography Society of the University of VirginiaLibrary and Information Science
Studies in Bibliography and Booklore Union College - Jewish Institute of ReligionJewish Studies
Studies in Comparative International Development USSocial Sciences: Comprehensive Works
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Science
Studies in Conservation Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works;Maney PublishingArt & Art History
Studies in Continuing Education
Studies in East European Thought
Studies in East European Thought NetherlandsPolitical Science, Philosophy, History
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture Johns Hopkins University PressSocial Science
Studies in English of Texas PressLanguage & Literature
Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 UniversityLanguage & Literature
Studies in Family Planning CouncilPopulation Studies
Studies in Gender and Sexuality Science
Studies in Higher Education
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture of Texas Press
Studies in Philology of North Carolina PressLanguage & Literature
Studies in Philology University of North Carolina PressLiterature
Studies in Philosophy and Education NetherlandsEducation, Philosophy
Studies in Popular Culture Culture Association in the SouthFeminist & Women's Studies;Film Studies;Language & Literature;Music;Sociology
Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology Oaks, Trustees for Harvard UniversityArchaeology
Studies in Romanticism UniversityLanguage & Literature
Studies in Science Education, Sociology
Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics Rodopi B.V.Linguistics
Studies in Soviet Thought
Studies in the Age of Chaucer New Chaucer Society
Studies in the American Renaissance MyersonAmerican Studies;Language & Literature
Studies in the Decorative Arts Graduate Center;The University of Chicago PressArt & Art History
Studies in the Fantastic of Tampa Press
Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, Performing Arts
Studies in the Literary Imagination of English, Georgia State University
Studies in the Novel Johns Hopkins University PressLanguage & Literature
Studies in the Novel Johns Hopkins University PressLiterature
Studies in the Renaissance Society of America;The University of Chicago PressArt & Art History;History;Language & Literature
Studies in World Christianity University PressSocial Science, Religion and Theology
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment & FrancisZoology
Studies on Russian Economic Development PublishingEconomics
Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Province of the Society of JesusReligion
Studying Teacher Education
Style State University Press
SubStance of Wisconsin PressLanguage & Literature
SubStance of Wisconsin PressLiterature
Subtropics Press of Florida
Sudan Notes and Records of KhartoumAfrican Studies
Sudanic Africa for Middle Eastern Studies (University of Bergen)African Studies
Süddeutsche Juristen-Zeitung Siebeck GmbH & Co. KGLaw
Sudhoffs Archiv Steiner VerlagHistory of Science & Technology
Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin Steiner VerlagHistory of Science & Technology
Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften Steiner VerlagHistory of Science & Technology
Sugar Tech IndiaFood And Food Industries ,Agriculture - Crop Production And Soil
Summary of Proceedings: Officers, Committees (American Bar Association. Section of Family Law) Bar Association
Sung Studies Newsletter for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasty StudiesAsian Studies;History
Supplement to the Geographical Journal: Recent Geographical Literature, Maps, and Photographs Added to the Society's Collections Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers);WileyGeography
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Statistical Society;WileyStatistics
Supplementary Papers of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome Academy in Rome;University of Michigan PressArchitecture & Architectural History;Art & Art History;Classical Studies
Supportive Care in Cancer Berlin Heidelberg
Supramolecular Chemistry & FrancisChemistry
Supreme Court Economic Review University of Chicago PressBusiness;Economics;Law
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry PublishingEngineering and Technology, Chemistry
Surface Science Spectra Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and ProcessingPhysics
Surgery Today Singapore
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy Paris
Surgical Endoscopy US
Surveys in Geophysics NetherlandsGeography, Physics
Survival Studies
Sustainability Science JapanEcology, Environmental Science
Sustainable Water Resources Management
Swarm Intelligence USComputer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Swiss Journal of Geosciences International PublishingGeology
Swiss Journal of Palaeontology International Publishing
Syllecta Classica of Classics, University of Iowa
Symbiosis NetherlandsBiology
Symbolae Osloenses & FrancisLiterature
Symbolic Interaction for the Study of Symbolic Interaction;WileySociology
symplokē of Nebraska PressLanguage & Literature
symploke of Nebraska PressLiterature
Synchrotron Radiation News & FrancisChemistry
Synthese NetherlandsMathematics, Philosophy
Synthesis Justice/Global Options
Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry & FrancisChemistry
Synthetic Communications & FrancisChemistry
Syria Francais du Proche-OrientArchaeology;Art & Art History;Middle East Studies
Systematic Biology University Press;Society of Systematic BiologistsBiological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Systematic Biology University PressBiology
Systematic Botany Society of Plant TaxonomistsBiological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
Systematic Botany Monographs Society of Plant TaxonomistsBiological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
Systematic Parasitology NetherlandsMicrobiology
Systematic Zoology of Systematic Biologists;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.Biological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Systematics and Geography of Plants Botanic Garden of BelgiumBiological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
Systemic Practice and Action Research USEconomics, Sociology, Business and Management
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