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 Online Journals from Alphabet P

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Title URL Publisher Subject
p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications Publishing
Pacific Affairs Affairs, University of British ColumbiaAsian Studies
Pacific Arts Arts AssociationArt & Art History;Asian Studies
Pacific Arts Newsletter Arts AssociationArt & Art History;Asian Studies
Pacific Coast Philology State University Press
Pacific Coast Philology Ancient and Modern Language Association;Penn State University PressLanguage & Literature
Pacific Historical Review of California PressAmerican Studies;History
Pacific Science of Hawai'i PressGeneral Science, History, Geology
Pädagogische Monatshefte / Pedagogical Monthly of Wisconsin PressLanguage & Literature
Paddy and Water Environment JapanAgricultural science, Environmental Science
Paedagogica Europaea
Paedagogica Historica, History
Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde InstituteAnthropology
Pain Medicine http://painmedicine.oxfordjournals.orgOxford University PressMedicine
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art MIT PressArts
PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art MIT Press;Performing Arts Journal, Inc.Art & Art History;Film Studies;Performing Arts
Pakistan Economic and Social Review of Economics, University of the PunjabAsian Studies;Business;Economics
Pakistan Forum East Research and Information Project (MERIP)Asian Studies;Middle East Studies
Pakistan Horizon Institute of International AffairsAsian Studies;International Relations;Political Science
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments Berlin HeidelbergPaleontology ,Earth Sciences - Geology
PALAIOS Society for Sedimentary GeologyBiological Sciences;Paleontology
Paleobiology SocietyBiological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology;Paleontology
Paleontological Journal PublishingGeology, Environmental Science
Paleontological Monograph Society for Sedimentary GeologyBiological Sciences;Paleontology
Paléorient Editions;PaléorientArchaeology
Palimpsest: A Journal on Women, Gender, and the Black International University of New York Press
Palynology & FrancisPaleontology, Geology
Palynology Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.Biological Sciences;Paleontology
Papers of the Abraham Lincoln Association of Illinois PressAmerican Studies;History
Papers of the American Musicological Society of California Press
Papers of the Bibliographical Society, University of Virginia Society of the University of VirginiaBibliography
Papers of the British School at Rome School at RomeArchaeology;Art & Art History;Classical Studies;History
Papers on Non-Market Decision Making;Economics;Political Science
Papers Read by Members of the American Musicological Society at the Annual Meeting of California Press
Paragraph University PressHistory
Parallax Studies
Parasitology Research Berlin HeidelbergMicrobiology, Medical Science
Parenting, Sociology
Parergon and New Zealand Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Inc.)History
Parliamentary Affairs University PressSocial Sciences
Parliamentary History University PressHistory, Political Science
Parnassus Art AssociationArt & Art History
Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas Johns Hopkins University PressLiterature, History
Particulate Science and Technology & FrancisChemical Engineering
Pasajes Universitat de ValenciaHistory
Past & Present University PressHistory
Past & Present University Press;The Past and Present SocietyHistory
Past & Present University PressHumanities
Pastoral Care in Education, Psychology
Pastoral Psychology USPsychology
Pathology & Oncology Research NetherlandsMedical Sciences - Oncology
Pattern Analysis and Applications LondonComputer Science
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis PublishingComputer Science, Engineering and Technology
Patterns of Prejudice Science, Sociology
Pe'amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry / פעמים: רבעון לחקר קהילות ישראל במזרח Izhak Ben Zvi / יד יצחק בן-צביJewish Studies;Religion
Peabody Journal of Education & Francis, Ltd.Education
Peabody Journal of Education
Peace Research Mennonite UniversityPeace & Conflict Studies;Political Science
Peace Review Science
Pedagogy University PressEducation
Pedagogy Culture & Society
Pediatric Cardiology US
Pediatric Nephrology Berlin Heidelberg
Pediatric Radiology Berlin Heidelberg
Pediatric Surgery International Berlin Heidelberg
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications USComputer Networks
Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies State University PressAmerican Studies;History
Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies State University Press
Pennsylvania Legacies Historical Society of PennsylvaniaAmerican Studies;History
Performance Research Arts
Performing Arts Journal MIT Press
Performing Arts Journal Arts Journal, Inc.Art & Art History;Film Studies;Performing Arts
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica International PublishingMathematics
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing LondonComputer Science
Perspecta MIT PressArchitecture & Architectural History
Perspectives of International Relations, NGOPolitical Science
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine Johns Hopkins University PressBiological Science, Medical Science
Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture Architecture ForumArchitecture & Architectural History
Perspectives of New Music of New MusicMusic
Perspectives on European Politics and Society Science
Perspectives on Politics Political Science AssociationPolitical Science
Perspectives on Psychological Science for Psychological Science;Sage Publications, Inc.Psychology
Perspectives on Science MIT PressGeneral Science, History, Sociology, Philosophy
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health InstitutePopulation Studies
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education
Petroleum Chemistry PublishingChemistry, Energy and Fuels
Petroleum Science and Technology & FrancisEngineering and Technology, Energy and Fuels
Petrology PublishingEnergy and Fuels, Geography
Pflügers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology Berlin HeidelbergMedical Science
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal USChemistry, Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Research USMedical Science, Pharmacy
Pharmacy in History Institute of the History of PharmacyHistory of Science & Technology
Phase Transitions & FrancisPhysics
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences NetherlandsPsychology
Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin Museum of ArtArt & Art History
Philip Roth Studies University Press
Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society of San Carlos PublicationsAsian Studies
Philippine Sociological Review Sociological SocietyAsian Studies;Sociology
Philippine Studies de Manila University
Philippine Studies de Manila UniversityAsian Studies
Philippine Studies: Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints de Manila University
Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints de Manila University
Philosophia NetherlandsPhilosophy
philoSOPHIA University of New York Press
Philosophia Mathematica University PressHumanities+Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Philosophical Explorations
Philosophical Issues Publishing CompanyPhilosophy
Philosophical Magazine & FrancisPhysics
Philosophical Magazine Letters & FrancisPhysics
Philosophical Perspectives Publishing CompanyPhilosophy
Philosophical Psychology, Psychology
Philosophical Quarterly University PressHumanities
Philosophical Studies NetherlandsPhilosophy
Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition
Philosophical Topics of Arkansas Press
Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678) Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science;Mathematics
Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science;Mathematics
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science;Mathematics
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A Royal SocietyGeneral Science;Mathematics
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character Royal SocietyGeneral Science;Mathematics
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Royal SocietyGeneral Science;Mathematics
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science
Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science
Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Royal SocietyGeneral Science;Mathematics
Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering Royal SocietyGeneral Science;Mathematics
Philosophy University Press;Royal Institute of PhilosophyPhilosophy
Philosophy & Public Affairs UniversityPhilosophy
Philosophy & Public Affairs;Public Policy & Administration
Philosophy & Rhetoric State University PressPhilosophy
Philosophy & Technology Netherlands
Philosophy and Literature Johns Hopkins University PressPhilosophy
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Phenomenological SocietyPhilosophy
Philosophy and Rhetoric State University PressPhilosophy
Philosophy East and West of Hawai'i PressPhilosophy
Philosophy East and West of Hawai'i PressPhilosophy;Religion
Philosophy of Management
Philosophy of Music Education Newsletter University PressEducation;Music
Philosophy of Music Education Review University PressMusic
Philosophy of Music Education Review University PressEducation;Music
Philosophy of Science of Science Association;The University of Chicago PressHistory of Science & Technology;Philosophy
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology Johns Hopkins University PressPhilosophy, Psychology, Social Science
Phoenix Association of CanadaClassical Studies;History;Language & Literature
Phonology University PressLinguistics
Phonology Yearbook University PressLinguistics
Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements & FrancisChemistry
Photographies Arts
Photonic Network Communications USComputer Science, Engineering and Technology
Photosynthesis Research NetherlandsBotany(Plant Sciences)
Phronesis Studies;Philosophy
Phylon (1940-1956) Atlanta UniversityAfrican American Studies
Phylon (1960-) Atlanta UniversityAfrican American Studies
Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy
Physical Mesomechanics Publishing
Physical Review A Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review Applied Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review B Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review C Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review D Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review E Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review Fluids Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review Letters Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review Materials Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review Physics Education Research Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review Research Physical SocietyPhysics
Physical Review X Physical SocietyPhysics
Physicshttp://physics.aps.orgAmerican Physical SocietyPhysics
Physics and Chemistry of Liquids & FrancisPhysics, Chemistry
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Berlin HeidelbergChemistry, Physics
Physics in Perspective International PublishingPhysics
Physics of Atomic Nuclei PublishingPhysics
Physics of Fluids PublishingPhysics
Physics of Metals and Metallography PublishingPhysics
Physics of Particles and Nuclei PublishingPhysics - Nuclear Physics
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters PublishingNuclear Physics
Physics of Plasmas PublishingPhysics
Physics of the Solid State PublishingPhysics
Physics of Wave Phenomena PublishingPhysics
Physics Today PublishingPhysics
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology: Ecological and Evolutionary Approaches of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology;The University of Chicago PressBiological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology;Zoology
Physiological Zoology of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology;The University of Chicago PressBiological Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology;Zoology
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants IndiaBotany
Phytochemistry Reviews NetherlandsChemistry, Botany(Plant Sciences)
Phytoparasitica NetherlandsAgriculture - Crop Production And Soil
Phytopathologia Mediterranea University Press;Mediterranean Phytopathological UnionBotany & Plant Sciences
Pi Lambda Theta Journal Delta Kappa InternationalEducation
Pioneer America America SocietyAmerican Studies;History
Pituitary US
Plains Anthropologist Publishing;Plains Anthropological SocietyAnthropology
Plains Archeological Conference News Letter Publishing;Plains Anthropological SocietyAnthropology
Planning & Environmental Law
Planning Perspectives
Planning Practice and Research
Planning Theory & Practice
Plant and Cell Physiology University PressLife Sciences
Plant and Soil International PublishingBotany(Plant Sciences)
Plant and Soil & Plant Sciences
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology & FrancisBotany(Plant Sciences)
Plant Biotechnology Reports SingaporeBiotechnology
Plant Cell Reports Berlin HeidelbergBotany(Plant Sciences)
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) NetherlandsBotany(Plant Sciences)
Plant Ecology Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences;Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Plant Ecology NetherlandsEcology, Botany(Plant Sciences)
Plant Ecology & Diversity & FrancisBotany
Plant Ecology and Evolution Botanic Garden of Belgium;Royal Botanical Society of BelgiumBiological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition USEcology, Chemistry, Food Science
Plant Growth Regulation NetherlandsBotany(Plant Sciences)
Plant Molecular Biology NetherlandsBotany(Plant Sciences)
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter USBotany(Plant Sciences)
Plant Physiology Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)Biological Sciences;Botany & Plant Sciences
Plant Reproduction Berlin HeidelbergBotany(Plant Sciences)
Plant Systematics and Evolution ViennaBotany(Plant Sciences)
Plant Systematics and Evolution & Plant Sciences
Planta Berlin HeidelbergBotany(Plant Sciences)
Planta & Plant Sciences
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing USChemistry
Plasma Physics Reports PublishingPhysics
Plasmonics USMedical Science
Pleiades: Literature in Context of English and Philosophy, University of Central Missouri
Ploughshares CollegeLanguage & Literature
PMLA Language AssociationLanguage & Literature
Poe Studies Johns Hopkins University Press
Poetics Today University PressLanguage & Literature
Poetics Today University PressLiterature
Poetry FoundationLanguage & Literature
Polar Biology Berlin HeidelbergBiological Science
Polar Geography & FrancisGeography, Environmental Science
Police Practice and Research Science, Criminology
Policing and Society Science, Criminology
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice University PressLaw
Policy Analysis of California PressBusiness;Management & Organizational Behavior;Public Policy & Administration
Policy Sciences Science;Public Policy & Administration
Policy Sciences USEconomics, Political Science
Policy Studies
Polish American Studies American Historical Association;University of Illinois PressAmerican Studies;History
Polish Sociological Review Towarzystwo Socjologiczne (Polish Sociological Association)Sociology
Política Exterior de Política Exterior S. AInternational Relations;Political Science
Political Analysis University Press;Society for Political MethodologyPolitical Science
Political Analysis University PressSocial Sciences
Political Behavior Science;Sociology
Political Behavior USPolitical Science, Psychology
Political Communication Science, Communication
Political Methodology University Press;Society for Political MethodologyPolitical Science
Political Psychology Society of Political PsychologyPolitical Science;Psychology
Political Research Quarterly Publications, Inc.;University of UtahPolitical Science
Political Science Quarterly Academy of Political SciencePolitical Science
Political Theory Publications, Inc.Philosophy;Political Science
Politics and the Life Sciences for Politics and the Life SciencesBiological Sciences;Health Sciences;Political Science
Politikon Science
Politique étrangère Français des Relations InternationalesPolitical Science
Polity Macmillan JournalsPolitical Science
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds & FrancisChemistry
Polymer Bulletin Berlin HeidelbergChemistry, Chemical Engineering
Polymer Reviews & FrancisChemistry
Polymer Science, Series A PublishingOrganic Chemistry
Polymer Science, Series B PublishingOrganic Chemistry
Polymer Science, Series C PublishingOrganic Chemistry
Polymer Science, Series D PublishingOrganic Chemistry
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering & FrancisChemical Engineering
Popular Communication Communication
Popular Economics & Francis, Ltd.
Popular Music University PressMusic
Popular Music and Society Arts
Popular Series. Anthropology Museum of Natural HistoryAnthropology
Population (English Edition, 2002-) National d'Études DémographiquesPopulation Studies
Population (French Edition) National d'Études DémographiquesPopulation Studies
Population and Development Review CouncilPopulation Studies
Population and Environment Studies
Population and Environment NetherlandsDemography and Population Studies, Environmental Science
Population Index of Population ResearchPopulation Studies
Population Literature of Population ResearchPopulation Studies
Population Research and Policy Review Demographic Association;SpringerPopulation Studies
Population Research and Policy Review NetherlandsDemography and Population Studies
Population Review Demography PressGeography
Population Studies Investigation Committee;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.Population Studies
Population Studies and Population Studies
Population, English edition national d'études démographiquesPhilosophy, Humanities, Social Science
Population: An English Selection National d'Études DémographiquesPopulation Studies
portal: Libraries and the Academy Johns Hopkins University PressLibrary and Information Science
Portuguese Economic Journal Berlin HeidelbergEconomics
Portuguese Studies Humanities Research AssociationLanguage & Literature;Latin American Studies
Positions of Minnesota PressArchitecture & Architectural History
positions: east asia cultures critique University PressHistory
Positivity International PublishingMathematics
Post-Communist Economies Studies-Russia & Europe
Postcolonial Studies Studies
Postmodern Culture Johns Hopkins University PressSocial Science
Potato Research NetherlandsAgricultural science
Potential Analysis NetherlandsMathematics
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics USChemical Engineering, Chemistry
Power Technology and Engineering USMechanical Engineering
Prairie Schooner of Nebraska PressLiterature
Prairie Schooner of Nebraska PressLanguage & Literature
Pramana IndiaPhysics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Precision Agriculture USAgricultural science, Environmental Science, Meteorology
Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology & FrancisChemistry
Presidential Studies Quarterly for the Study of the Presidency and Congress;WileyPolitical Science
Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural State University PressFolklore;History;Religion
Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural State University Press
Prevention Science USPsychology, Social Science
Primates JapanEcology, Zoology
Primitive Man George Washington University Institute for Ethnographic ResearchAnthropology
PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies & FrancisMathematics, Higher Education
Print Quarterly Quarterly PublicationsArt & Art History;History
Probability Theory and Related Fields Berlin HeidelbergMathematics
Probate and Trust Legislation Bar Association
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins US
Problems of Information Transmission PublishingComputer Science
Problems of the War Institute of International and Comparative Law;Cambridge University PressLaw
Proceedings (American Bar Association. Section of International and Comparative Law) Bar AssociationLaw
Proceedings (New Zealand Ecological Society) Zealand Ecological SocietyEcology & Evolutionary Biology
Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences IndiaMathematics
Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association Philosophical AssociationPhilosophy
Proceedings and Transactions of the Kilkenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society Society of Antiquaries of IrelandArchaeology;History;Irish Studies
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia of Natural SciencesBiological Sciences
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science Academy of Political SciencePolitical Science
Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York Academy of Political SciencePolitical Science
Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research Academy for Jewish ResearchJewish Studies;Religion
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Academy of Arts & SciencesHistory;Language & Literature
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Mathematical SocietyMathematics
Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society Microscopical Society;WileyBiological Sciences;Zoology
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Philosophical SocietyHistory
Proceedings of the American Political Science Association Political Science AssociationAmerican Studies;Political Science
Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1907-1917) Society of International LawLaw
Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at Its Annual Meeting (1921-1969) Society of International LawLaw
Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at the Meeting of Its Executive Council Society of International LawLaw
Proceedings of the American Society of Microscopists Microscopical Society;WileyBiological Sciences;Zoology
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Association of University Teachers of Insurance) Risk and Insurance AssociationBusiness;Economics
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law) Society of International LawLaw
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (Western Farm Economics Association) Agricultural Economics Association
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.Biological Sciences;Paleontology
Proceedings of the Annual Session (Southern Political Science Association) University of Chicago Press
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Aristotelian Society;WileyPhilosophy
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society University PressHumanities
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volumes Aristotelian Society;WileyPhilosophy
Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts of Official Seed Analysts;Society of Commercial Seed TechnologistsBotany & Plant Sciences
Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts of North America of Official Seed Analysts;Society of Commercial Seed TechnologistsBotany & Plant Sciences
Proceedings of the Bear Workshop (International Conference on Bear Research and Management) Association for Bear Research and ManagementBiological Sciences;Zoology
Proceedings of the Colonial Waterbird Group SocietyBiological Sciences;Zoology
Proceedings of the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers of Texas PressGeography;Latin American Studies
Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium of Celtic Languages & Literatures, Harvard UniversityIrish Studies
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society University PressMaths and Physical Sciences
Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society Historical SocietyAmerican Studies;History
Proceedings of the Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society State University PressHistory
Proceedings of the Musical Association Musical Association;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.Music
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Academy of SciencesBiological Sciences;General Science
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences India
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences India
Proceedings of the New York State Historical Association York State Historical AssociationHistory
Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and IrelandAnthropology
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers);WileyGeography
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers);WileyGeography
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (1836-1869) Irish AcademyBiological Sciences;Irish Studies;Language & Literature;Mathematics
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy (1889-1901) Irish AcademyBiological Sciences;Irish Studies;Language & Literature;Mathematics
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Polite Literature and Antiquities Irish AcademyBiological Sciences;Irish Studies;Language & Literature;Mathematics
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Science Irish AcademyBiological Sciences;Irish Studies;Language & Literature;Mathematics
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Irish AcademyIrish Studies;Language & Literature;Mathematics
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section B: Biological, Geological, and Chemical Science Irish AcademyBiological Sciences;Irish Studies;Language & Literature
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature Irish AcademyHistory;Irish Studies;Language & Literature
Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association Musical Association;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.Music
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science;Mathematics
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character Royal SocietyGeneral Science;Mathematics
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences Royal SocietyGeneral Science;Mathematics
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science
Proceedings of the Section of International and Comparative Law (American Bar Association) Bar AssociationLaw
Proceedings of the Section: Officers, Committees, Roster of Members (American Bar Association. Section of Family Law) Bar Association
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies;Middle East Studies
Proceedings of the Statistical Society of London Statistical Society;WileyStatistics
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics PublishingMathematics
Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies / דברי הקונגרס העולמי למדעי היהדות Union of Jewish Studies / האיגוד העולמי למדעי היהדותJewish Studies;Religion
Proceedings of the Zoological Society IndiaZoology
Proceedings, Annual Meeting (Western Agricultural Economics Association) Agricultural Economics Association
Proceedings: Biological Sciences Royal SocietyBiological Sciences;General Science
Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Royal SocietyGeneral Science;Mathematics
Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences Royal SocietyGeneral Science;Mathematics
Production Engineering Berlin HeidelbergMechanical Engineering
Production Planning & Control & FrancisManufacturing Engineering
Profession Language AssociationLanguage & Literature
Professional School Counseling School Counselor AssociationEducation;Psychology
Programming and Computer Software PublishingComputer Science
Progress in Artificial Intelligence Berlin Heidelberg
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action Johns Hopkins University PressEducation, Social Science
Prometheus Science
Prooftexts University PressSocial Science
Prooftexts University PressJewish Studies;Language & Literature
Prose Studies, Language and Linguistics
PROSPECTS NetherlandsEducation
Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces PublishingMetallurgy
Protein Engineering, Design and Selection University PressLife Sciences+Medicine
Protoplasma ViennaMicrobiology
Provincial Medical & Surgical Journal (1840-1842) Sciences
Provincial Medical & Surgical Journal (1844-1852) Sciences
Provincial Medical Journal and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences Sciences
PRX Quantum Physical SocietyPhysics
PS Political Science AssociationPolitical Science
PS: Political Science and Politics Political Science AssociationPolitical Science
PSA Newsletter State University Press
PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association of Science Association;Springer;The University of Chicago PressHistory of Science & Technology;Philosophy
Psychiatric Quarterly US
Psychiatry Psychology and Law, Medical Science
Psychoanalytic Dialogues
Psychoanalytic Inquiry
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Psychodynamic Practice
Psychological Injury and Law USPsychology ,Law
Psychological Inquiry
Psychological Inquiry & Francis, Ltd.Psychology
Psychological Perspectives & FrancisPsychology
Psychological Research Berlin HeidelbergPsychology
Psychological Science for Psychological Science;Sage Publications, Inc.Psychology
Psychological Science in the Public Interest for Psychological Science;Sage Publications, Inc.Psychology
Psychological Studies IndiaPsychology
Psychology & Health Science, Psychology
Psychology Crime & Law, Medical Science, Social Science, Criminology
Psychology Health & Medicine Science, Psychology
Psychometrika USPsychology
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review US
Psychopharmacology Berlin HeidelbergMedical Science, Pharmacy, Psychology
Psychotherapy Research
Public Administration Quarterly;Management & Organizational Behavior;Public Policy & Administration
Public Administration Review Society for Public Administration;WileyBusiness;Management & Organizational Behavior;Public Policy & Administration
Public Affairs Quarterly American Philosophical Publications;University of Illinois PressPublic Policy & Administration
Public Choice USEconomics, Political Science
Public Choice;Economics;Political Science
Public Contract Law Journal Bar AssociationLaw
Public Culture University PressSocial Science
Public Health Ethics University PressHumanities+Medicine
Public Health Reports (1896-1970) of Schools of Public HealthHealth Policy
Public Health Reports (1974-) of Schools of Public HealthHealth Policy
Public Management Review and Management
Public Opinion Quarterly University PressSocial Sciences
Public Organization Review USSocial Science
Public Performance & Management Review Sharpe, Inc.Business;Management & Organizational Behavior;Public Policy & Administration
Public Policy & Aging Report University PressMedicine+Social Sciences
Public Productivity & Management Review Sharpe, Inc.Business;Management & Organizational Behavior;Public Policy & Administration
Public Productivity Review Sharpe, Inc.Business;Management & Organizational Behavior;Public Policy & Administration
Public Transport Berlin Heidelberg
Publication Series (Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers) of Texas PressGeography;Latin American Studies
Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS Berlin HeidelbergMathematics
Publications of the American Economic Association Economic AssociationBusiness;Economics
Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society Johns Hopkins University PressHistory;Jewish Studies;Religion
Publications of the American Statistical Association Statistical Association;Taylor & Francis, Ltd.Statistics
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Society of the Pacific;The University of Chicago PressAstronomy
Publications of the Field Columbian Museum. Anthropological Series Museum of Natural HistoryAnthropology
Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History. Anthropological Series Museum of Natural HistoryAnthropology
Publications of the Florida Historical Society Historical SocietyAmerican Studies;History
Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California Society of Southern California;University of California PressAmerican Studies;History
Publications of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study for the Advancement of Scandinavian StudyLanguage & Literature
Publishing Research Quarterly USPublishing And Book Trade
Publius University PressPolitical Science;Public Policy & Administration
Publius: The Journal of Federalism University PressSocial Sciences
Pure and Applied Geophysics International PublishingGeography, Physics
Purinergic Signalling NetherlandsMedical Science
Pushkin Review Publishers
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